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Omfg, Just Got Done For Speeding

Joe Papasnap Maher

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LMAO, nice reply anal.

as to munki man, shurrup... yer im bitching, whats you point, to be frank im proper pissed off, but the good thing is.. i went back to work, only to be told my supervisor also got done

LMAO that made my day

I'm guessing he probably meant it was your own f**king fault, really...

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Good question...

Thats what i hate about this forum....you got the little high and almighty gang, who think they f**king rule, and say one thing out of place and its like.." Ill ban you ;) "

f**k off. :D

I didn't say anything like that? You were asking Nic what his point was, it was blatantly obvious that he was saying it was your fault, which is what I put in my post?

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I know you're pissed off and stuff, but Nic was just making that point, which is pretty valid I guess... If it's any help to you, policemen have to be clearly visible if they are doing any speed traps, so if he did 'hide' or whatever before he clocked you you could possibly get let off, but doing 44 in a 30 area's not likely to win you many favours.

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I know you're pissed off and stuff, but Nic was just making that point, which is pretty valid I guess...  If it's any help to you, policemen have to be clearly visible if they are doing any speed traps, so if he did 'hide' or whatever before he clocked you you could possibly get let off, but doing 44 in a 30 area's not likely to win you many favours.

not even if my house is like 100 meters from where he stopped me, and i need a wee real bad ;)"

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Joe, as soon as you started this thread surely you must have anticipated someone saying "Duh, it's your own fault, no need to moan". Don't start going on about the high and might boolarx either, Mark's doing his job, he has to look through the topics, even if it wasn't some high and mighty SM telling you that you were in the wrong he still would have got involved.

Fighting a losers battle here methinks ;)

Edit: Bah you guys type too fast!

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My Uncle was doing well over 100mph on the motorway, with points already on his license, and he got nailed by someone. He had a really nice pair of cars, but then he had to sell his fastest car and buy and then drive a Smart car just to get a reduced sentence ;)

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take it like a man bitch :D i had 5 points on my licence for two years and smashed up my car just after i passed my test mine were for driving with undue attention! (crashed at a junction because i didnt se a car pullout) but made no odds to my insurance :D but ive never been pulled for speeding :P even though i drive like im riding a motor bike ;)

Edited by matt_urban
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I got done on my moped :"> But my speedo was broke so I didn't know what speed I were doing :P" If you get another speeding ticket in the next two years you loose your licence ;)

yer man :D oh well

already been driving like a barry round town, with the other "badboys" lol

Lets see how long it takes to loose it :D

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yer man ;) oh well

already been driving like a barry round town, with the other "badboys" lol

Lets see how long it takes to loose it :D

I've just learnt all the 'hotspots' for camera's and those horrible f**kers in vans so don't go too fast there. But just in general keep your speed down, it may not be how you like to drive and it annoys the f**k out of me going so slow but if you keep your license, it's a small price to pay. Besides 2 years goes by f**k fast!

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I've just learnt all the 'hotspots' for camera's and those horrible f**kers in vans so don't go too fast there. But just in general keep your speed down, it may not be how you like to drive and it annoys the f**k out of me going so slow but if you keep your license, it's a small price to pay. Besides 2 years goes by f**k fast!

Yer, i know all the hotspots..so too speek, but in the 2-3 years ive lived here, had the house here) i have in about 5 police man in the village, then, whack, ONE SITTING IN MY STREET, takes the fooking piss ;)

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Thing is, this road is not in a residential area. Its a country back road with af few houses along it, and if you asked me before this, id have said it was  60mph.

But unlucky Joe, no more speeding ;)

Joe, that f**king sucks. I've driven down that road before and I know damn fine that I was doing at least 60 most of the way down there. I think the police round our area are on a par of shitness with those in Nottingham.

Joe gets done for doing 14mph over the limit on what should be a derestricted road anyway (like the rest of the roads round that area) but when people are dealing big quantities of drugs, getting beaten and stabbed in the same small town, where are the police then?

Sorry, but I think the majority of these cameras are police piggy-banks.

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Joe, that f**king sucks. I've driven down that road before and I know damn fine that I was doing at least 60 most of the way down there. I think the police round our area are on a par of shitness with those in Nottingham.

Joe gets done for doing 14mph over the limit on what should be a derestricted road anyway (like the rest of the roads round that area) but when people are dealing big quantities of drugs, getting beaten and stabbed in the same small town, where are the police then?

Sorry, but I think the majority of these cameras are police piggy-banks.

Government piggy-banks really.

All this isn't the Police's fault, they simply carry out what the twats in Parliament decide needs to be doing, which is, in recent years, rape motorist for every f**king penny they can get their hands on.

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Oh well , not alot we can do about that is there :D

but when people are dealing big quantities of drugs, getting beaten and stabbed in the same small town, where are the police then?

Counting there money from the drivers thet have pulled. ;)

Edited by JoeMaher
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Oh well , not alot we can do about that is there :D

Counting there money from the drivers thet have pulled. ;)

Form your own pro-motorist party and plan to take over the world?

You're always taking a chance when you're speeding, looks like you're going to have to be super carefull for a couple of years, unlucky :D

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