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Ok, my brother went to Dalby Forest today to do some XC riding and found out that they are currently building a huge rock trials ground supposedly like Pawthcawl!! It's been funded by Pace and should be finished in a few months time hopefully. I haven't seen any pictures or anything, so far this is all i know. If anyone else has herd anything then let us all know.

For those of you that don't know where or what Dalby Forest is ill explain. :) It's a huge Forest, which covers hundreds of acres on the southern slopes of the North Yorkshire Moors. (N)

Thats all i know at the moment. (Y)


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That sounds really good, and i think its less than an hour away from me!!!, Whats the nearest town or village to it?? and do you know when it will be finished?? I really need to get sme natural practise in now that im riding expert in tyke trials.

cheers, -Andrew

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Theres actually beena ot of new coverage regarding extreme sports recently.

Appenrantly extreme sports are on the rise popularity wise, traditional sorts could be a thing of the past. Whats even better is councils have finally recoginsed this increased interest and doing something about it.

The southest and london ar to get something to but more orientated towards bmx and skate boarding.

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Theres been a lot of talk about Dalby recently becoming a "development" area.

They are building a new xc loop and dh track aswell as far as i know but it miiiight be like a bike park such as Aston where you pay either a daily fee or become a member.

The nearest town is probably Thirsk or Pickering but its a huge place (goes nearly up to Brimham) so it kinda depends where abouts your coming from.

Its pretty near Whitby if your coming from the north.

Theres a skatepark just been built here in Sheffield (Parsons cross nesar Hillsborough) that looks like it might have some very trialsly potential, lots of walls step things rails etc.

Trials is deffinaetly becoming more recognised, good to see Porthy on extreme aswell as quite a few other bits.

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I asked a mate at school, as he goes to Dalby regularly, he says there been some dirt jumps etc been constructed. So all they would need to do was dump a few rocks down, Bobs your uncle.

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Yeah they are building a jumping section aswell. Theres been a few jumps there for a while now hidden away on a sidetrail but they aren't very good, can't wait for the rock section, apparently it's going to be huge like Pawthcawl, or so my brother was told. :o

At the moment you need to pay to enter the forest trails but it isn't much or you can get a season ticket like me :)


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  • 2 months later...

After emailing them several times, and them giving me no real info, i got this from them.

We have recently opened a bike skills area in Dalby Forest at Dixons Hollow (opposite Adderstone Field).  This area consists of a 250m course with table tops, rhythm bumps and bermed corners.  There is the possibility of a trial area consisting of rocks and timber features being built in the future.

Not much, but you get the idea.


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.  :P It's a huge Forest, which covers hundreds of acres on the southern slopes of the North Yorkshire Moors.  :S

Thats all i know at the moment.  :(


Haha thats confusing.

I hate carlisle  (Y)

I like natural! lol

I want some hucking rocks!!!!!

Maryport has a beach front with sum kewl rocks on it, my nan lives there i ride there often.

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Maryport (Y)

Its got loads of rocks, but you'll probably get your bike nicked!!!

I would rather travvel 20 miles to a very very very remote location and ride (beleive me ITS MINT!!!) :(

Hardly ever go though (only been once) because its so far away from me when i dont have a car to drive!!! :S

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