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G/f Just Dumped Me

Nick Garland

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More riding time.

I don't see the problem? (Y)

Nah, fair enough dude I can imagine you're a bit gutted about it, but just remember you've still got friends (assuming you haven't done the usual thing of 100% neglecting them to be with the new G/F), your bike, and fun times to be had. It'll work out cool, she just wasn't "The One".

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Just needed to post something somewhere.  My g/f i had been with for just under 5 months just dumped me.  I really loved this girl and I dont know what to do. Its like 6 days fter my b-day and its really quite crushing.  Just could do withsome support.

Same happened to me last year, It's fecking gutting. Had been with her for over 8 months.

But you'll live, get over her, and find somone else.

Get out there and find somthing to take your mind off her. (I.E On the pull (Y)" )



Edited by PythonRider
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You'll get over it eventually and look back and wonder why you act like you do and feel a bit crappy, when your life is just as good without her....you'll get over it dont worry, more riding (Y) then find someone else

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Get out there and find somthing to take your mind off her.

Read every single one of these;

Random Vin Diesel Facts!

I couldn't go to the end.


Here's a wonderful one.

Vin Diesel did not use a microphone to record his work on The Iron Giant, he simply shouted his lines at the film reel and it got with the program.
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getting over someone you realy love is no easy task...

me and my gf split up 2 weeks ago i still miss her now even thou we both decided on the split...

being honest just try and get out with your friends more try and fiunds someone you can talk to about her and stuff!

keep yourself occupied so that you are not thinking of her, maybe try and get another girl?

ride your bike..

i no its hardi was with my gf for 8months and we split very sudernly was a shock really but for the best...

didnt get over her for a while and the fact she shagged someone the nite we split up didnt help (Y) (Y)

damn bloody women!

try nopt to worry mate and if u need to talk:




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best way to get over some one is PIMP there best mate! i split with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago, we were on and off for 1 and a half year! but i'm fine! just make a laugh of it and think about what shes missing out on!

no matter how hard or how much you think of the girl...... theres always and i mean always some one better out there!

every one will go through this at some stage in life.... better now than later (Y)

johal :">

Edited by ..johal..
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ive been through this, i was with my girlfriend for just under a year then she decides to tell me she doesnt love me anymore!! THANKS!

Dont try going out finding another girl, cos all you will do is compare every single new girl to your ex and will constantly be finding things wrong with them and just making it hard on yourself, dont do it!

Take some time out, do what you love doing best and try to forget about it all, i know its not easy. Its about a year ago it happened to me and i can say im still not over her.

Just take time and take it easy, someone will appear to you eventually and you will know when they are the right person.

Till then keep it cool, keep riding, stu (Y)

p.s. when it comes to it just masturbate!!!

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Sorry to here it, please take a seat and have some free advice from an old man.

Life if full of ups and downs, but what matters the most no matter what age you are is your friends, all through life you friends will always be there.

So don`t worry when something shit happens and you are feeling down, just talk to your friends or us nice people here.

As for love, I loved all my GF`s....

Oh yeah, a bit of real advice, if your GF`s mum is large (Y) then I`am afraid thats what your GF will end up like, if you fancy the mom...you`ve got it made (Y)"

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"p.s. when it comes to it just masturbate!!! "

Sound advice, you hand doesnt want a cuddle after, it also doesnt mind if you fall asleep straight after (Y)


I know how you feel though... "time is a healer" as they say...

Unlucky dude, would have felt worse after 2 years or so though, so you're lucky it was relatively short...

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hey man i know how u feel, my g/f of 1yr split with me on our 1yr aniversary and left me for one of my ex-mates a few eeks ago and i know it hurts so much. I just thought, whats he got i dont...but as someone sed earlier...time is a healer. Im now seeing a very hot hairdresser and im like... i've moved on from you and done 100% better than you ever were. so go out and sleep about and watch some pron mate (Y)

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best way to get over some one is PIMP there best mate! i split with my girlfriend 2 weeks ago, we were on and off for 1 and a half year! but i'm fine! just make a laugh of it and think about what shes missing out on!

no matter how hard or how much you think of the girl...... theres always and i mean always some one better out there!

every one will go through this at some stage in life.... better now than later (Y)

johal :">

boy got style....

you can always go one better though and pimp her mum or sister! (aslong as there not rank)

just go out with you mates and get wrecked if its that bad...pull a who (or pay one) do you dirty buisness and wake up the next morning with a big smile on you face.

chin up dude (Y) life goes on

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just go out with you mates and get wrecked if its that bad...pull a who (or pay one) do you dirty buisness and wake up the next morning with a big smile on you face.

chin up dude :S life goes on

Quality advise mate! (Y)

Breakups are ALWAYS hard espically if it's out of know where and you really like them! I've been with my gf for nearly 3 years now but we split up in the middle for a bit, went on holiday together and now were back together!

Life is full of challenges and this is one of the very hard sadening ones! (Y)

Just go out have a laugh, ride your bike and buy yourself some nice things! In other words, treat yourself!!!!! :P

Feel better mate

Cheers Rob :P

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now i may sound line a turd, but i tried and it went soo wrong...

still seeing them and being all chummy you kind of carry on with the psycological attachment, and never move on...thinking one day you might get back but 9/10 you do, or if you do its crap.

Then they move on and its hammers you...not nice feeling

forget about her dude....tiz for the best :blink:

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