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T-pro Frame Material...?

Mark W

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Hey y'all,

Got my replacement T-Pro frame today, and one of the first things I noticed was the big ol' shiney "Pulo U6 Alloy" sticker on the downtube - how long have they been made of U6 for? I'm pretty sure my old one was 6061, unless I'm being properly stupid :">

Is this a new thing?


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The t-pros were made out of the new metal when the stay plates were added (if you haven't noticed them already). And when all the new components were added to the full bike build. :)"

It'll be interesting to see if you brake this one. (N)

Edited by JT!
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Tell you what was weird...

I brought the headtube part of my frame (it folded in half after I cut the BB shell out to send to Onza :">) in to the house to show my Mum, and just as I did it I go a call. It was from someone from Onza (bearing in mind this was at quarter past 7) who said they'd seen my thread...

Apparently, ALL the T-Pros have been made from U6, but they had excess 6061 stickers or something like that from the run of the 2003 square-tubed-ish frames (those gash ones?), and when Pulo asked Onza what stickers to use, they just said "The same ones as the old ones", so they got the same ones as the old ones - 6061 sticker and all. So my old frame was also U6, despite it saying 6061, apparently.

The More You Know™.

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Tell you what was weird...

I brought the headtube part of my frame (it folded in half after I cut the BB shell out to send to Onza :">) in to the house to show my Mum, and just as I did it I go a call.  It was from someone from Onza (bearing in mind this was at quarter past 7) who said they'd seen my thread...

Apparently, ALL the T-Pros have been made from U6, but they had excess 6061 stickers or something like that from the run of the 2003 square-tubed-ish frames (those gash ones?), and when Pulo asked Onza what stickers to use, they just said "The same ones as the old ones", so they got the same ones as the old ones - 6061 sticker and all.  So my old frame was also U6, despite it saying 6061, apparently.

Thats very very interesting. Wonder if the t-mags are made out of U6 aswell (N)

So some u6 frames have been snapping? This is unheard of? :)

Just goes to show that u6 isn't actualy any better than 7005 and 6061. Its all down to the design and how much of the metal is actualy used.

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Thats very very interesting. Wonder if the t-mags are made out of U6 aswell  (N)

Just goes to show that u6 isn't actualy any better than 7005 and 6061. Its all down to the design and how much of the metal is actualy used.

7005 for the T-Mag.

U6 is better than 6061 and 7005. BUT, like you say, design plays a major part.

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Where on earth did you hear that?

From a very very unreliable sorce, who will be corrected. Just ignore me. :S

EDIT: Spared your blushes :P

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The t-pros were made out of the new metal when the stay plates were added (if you haven't noticed them already). And when all the new components were added to the full bike build.  :P"

It'll be interesting to see if you brake this one.  :S

Mine has stay plates but still has a 6061 sticker... its good to know its actually U6 though...

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Tell you what was weird...

I brought the headtube part of my frame (it folded in half after I cut the BB shell out to send to Onza :">) in to the house to show my Mum, and just as I did it I go a call.  It was from someone from Onza (bearing in mind this was at quarter past 7) who said they'd seen my thread...

Apparently, ALL the T-Pros have been made from U6, but they had excess 6061 stickers or something like that from the run of the 2003 square-tubed-ish frames (those gash ones?), and when Pulo asked Onza what stickers to use, they just said "The same ones as the old ones", so they got the same ones as the old ones - 6061 sticker and all.  So my old frame was also U6, despite it saying 6061, apparently.

Yes U6 is the new material. Before they was 6061.



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the 2005  ones are u6 and the old ones were 6061 due to all the ones snapping they changed it. hopefully these wont be as bad!

joE! :P

Yes U6 is the new material. Before they was 6061.


I think some poeple arn't reading the thred......


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The current T-Pro frame has always been U6. Although made in China we have it hard anodised and laquered in Taiwan. As all the decals are also made in Taiwan they continued to also make the 6061 decal with the set and fitted it to the finished frames. This was only true of the earlier frames. When we became aware we asked that in future they be fitted with the correct U6 decal.

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ye, straight from the importer.........

soooooooooooo people check to make sure your decals are right way up and read ONZA not AZNO (Y) :P" ^_^ weve had a few in the shop which have had them upside down..............is pretty funny actually especially when a new customer comes in and says "wots that bike?" pointing to a t-pro and the onza is nealry spelling GZUO quite amusing :S


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ye, straight from the importer.........

soooooooooooo people check to make sure your decals are right way up and read ONZA not AZNO  :P  ^_^"  :P  weve had a few in the shop which have had them upside down..............is pretty funny actually especially when  a new customer comes in and says "wots that bike?" pointing to a t-pro and the onza is nealry spelling GZUO quite amusing  B)


You know stamps with things upside down on them are worth a hell of alot more, should be the same for bikes :S" (Y)

EDIT: Just found this in NM here

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