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Hadley Trials Hub, 108ep, Sounds Good


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no offence to anyone here, but can you not use downhillers as a reference or d/h as a type of mountain biking, it puts different stresses on a hub/parts than trials does, just because they take huge hits etc doesnt act as a comparison

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The problem is Kings slip for the majority of users...Plus the price tag is stupendous for someone who doesn't ride full on all the time...Hope do decent hubs that, in my experiance, don't have major skips (im talking like Fletch in Bristol kind of king skip...not when you want it!) The new hope trial will be a good hub for most people so I'm just going to go for one of those me thinks...its that or profile :P

James :S

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just a thought, but you know the whole hopes have 3 pawls engaging at the same time thing?, well do they actaully??, i mean do all three pawls engage at precisely the same time applying exactly the smae amount of pressure on each pawl?

it strook me a while back when i listened very closely to my hope hub as i slowly turned the freewheel in my hand that there are 3 seperate smaller clicks to each major click.

so was my hope hub just really running on the first click and usins the second and maybe third as a backup?

i know theres a whole loads of axle bending jibber jabber that i havent really looked into but in a strange way, thats fiarly worrying.

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Why have more pick up hence less reliable? when you can have a ood old Hope Mono with like 24 pick ups? and it doesnt blow up in your face?

Stick with things that are proven young boys and girls,it really is simple, a good old fashion saying comes into it,



in other words you dont need to improve something thats good,strong and reliable already?????? most people wopuld say the same about chris kings people dont need owt better than a king? (i personally am not a fan of chris kings and wont be ever again!)

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The problem is Kings slip for the majority of users...Plus the price tag is stupendous for someone who doesn't ride full on all the time

Do they though? Ive had 3 hope hubs, one XC and two mono's and none have been skip free and yes some horrific skips.

Are they really that pricey at £160 when people will happily pay £300+ on a frame.. its as if products are valued upon their size and not the quality at which they are made.

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Do they though? Ive had 3 hope hubs, one XC and two mono's and none have been skip free and yes some horrific skips.

Are they really that pricey at £160 when people will happily pay £300+ on a frame.. its as if products are valued upon their size and not the quality at which they are made.

Well, ye, a small block of alu for the shell, a bit of steel inside, a little tube of slu for the axle, theres not exactly much material, it's just the workmanship that's gone into them and probably paying engineers in america too much, I still think it doesn't cost that much to make a king.

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I would rather get cheap replacements for a hope when it dies than spend all that money on a king to have it skip because I dont want to send it to tart...(no offence Ad just dont think someone should have to mess about with something that costs that much!) As my dad says, "If your going to pay that much for a hub I want chris king to come fit it himself and then cook me breakfast!" ^_^ Go hope :P

James (Y)

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