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Rear Disc


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my mono m4 should be coming next week, and i am just wondering who uses one of these on the rear and why do people not use discs, is it becasue they have not enough power or rip you frame apart? becasue i noticed ot and cesar using some disc, and i would think they grear for riding in a wet muddy trial or up and down becks? :S" :turned: thanks collio :D

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i used to run a hope mono mini (the old one) on the rear and a julie on the fron back when i had my brisa b26d, i kinda felt the need. i mean its built for it right!? mine held fine, i trusted it more than any brank i trust now. i know your all going to moan - but id like to try a mechanical on the rear, cos i love the on/off ness.

My mate ran front and rear hope m4's (the old ones) on his orange zero and they were awesome. They had tremendous lock and they were good for manualing, however he snapped his disc mount on it, thats the only downside...

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i used to run a hope mono mini (the old one) on the rear and a julie on the fron back when i had my brisa b26d, i kinda felt the need. i mean its built for it right!? mine held fine, i trusted it more than any brank i trust now. i know your all going to moan - but id like to try a mechanical on the rear, cos i love the on/off ness.

yeah, i reccon an avid mechanical will be beasty on the back, just think, its better than a maggy on the front so it must be ace on the back :lol:

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disks are good and there once was a time i swore by them. but then i realised how quickly i was going through frames because of the disk mounts snapping!

rear disks are amazing for manulling (sp?) and any other backwheel stuff that needs modulation. -personally i recon a rear disk would be perfect for BMX street!

thing is though, disks DO get bent, and things do go wrong with them! i think they can be just as aqward as maguras on the rear.

I used to have an enduro 4 on the back, it worked brill, till one day someone kicked a cup of mcdonnalds coke at me and it went all over the disk (wich was hot) and it killed my pads. this was on an orange zero frame, on the other hand, my mate, also owning a zero, also had a enduro 4 and it felt like it was never endlessley bedding in! it wouldnt work for shit! -unless you kept it wet!


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I used a C2 on the rear of my Handsomedog for over a year.

due to it being the Rockhound i had no frame strength issues.

but i hated it all the way.

It was the best brake ever for learning manuals and that was about it.

I wasn't exactly heavy or a big rider as i was only 12 at the time and it still didn't hold my weight, the lock was appalling.

Mo point in wasting money.

I remember when I first started trials my rims used to get fully caked in crap after the first 5 mins of a trial where it was wet or dry, but now for some reason i can ride a whole day at a wet comp and never have problems with my rear brake.

don't know where its using a grind or certain pads or just looking what i'm riding through.

Never had any problems with a standard HS33 setup with some descent pads....

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hey i use a rear disk on my jump bike that ive reacently been doing trials on and i hate it its horrible it slips so much and i hear creaking noises all the time from its so its a little scary

Pauly :lol:

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Do you lot reckon my Woodman T-comp would handle a rear disc? I only ask because I have an only E4 lying around and it seems a shame not to use such a nice break. pic of the 20mm thick dropout: http://www.pinkbike.com/modules/photo/?op=viewℑ=498091

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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British seem to have an 'oh em gee it's a disk, eugh!' type thing going on with disks...

Loads of people from around the world use disks, some of which are better than every single person on this forum.

Avid BB7 8" disks are popular on the rear.

It's also super hard to hit a rear disk, waaay harder than hitting a front one.

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i used to have a rear disk on my orange zero back in the day :lol: at the time i thought it was rad but looking back on it it wasnt half as good as a magura is when set up right, plus a disk puts unneeded stress on the frame.


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uless you sidehop left and goto pedal lots, then you can say goodbye to that rotor.

Heh, its harder to hit a rear maggie.  <_<

Firstly, if you're going to pedal lots, you need to step back and try something smaller.

Going to pedal on purpose is a criminal act and should be dealt with accordingly.

Secondly, go find a bike with a rear disk.

Find a wall.

Try and hit the rotor on the wall.

You will notice it's in a really odd position, one that unless you're a 'tard, you shouldn't be in.

When you miss a sidehop, you don't go anywhere near it.

Seriously...Try it.

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