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Welcome to the Trials-Forum tape measure phenomenon.

Double bar height, thats up in the 80 inch area. Nice.

Enigma, yes. Although, if you put tar on, the brake would work fine, but i would suggest new pads and a grind. Check out the numerous pad topics everywhere to get an idea on what pads to use. :shifty:

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Japanese riders dont like good brakes. When they have brakes which work they put oil or spit on the rim. Sounds made to those with £30 pads heavy grind and tar i know. But watch them in comps, there like Bike Ninjas. I tried this (bad brakes that is). Why not, it just makes you concentrate on being on the object not holding on for dear life with your wheel locked and you Mag lever about to snap. Try it confidence isnt grat to start with but its about precision and fluidity not absolute stopping.


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Japanese riders dont like good brakes. When they have brakes which work they put oil or spit on the rim. Sounds made to those with £30 pads heavy grind and tar i know. But watch them in comps, there like Bike Ninjas. I tried this (bad brakes that is). Why not, it just makes you concentrate on being on the object not holding on for dear life with your wheel locked and you Mag lever about to snap. Try it confidence isnt grat to start with but its about precision and fluidity not absolute stopping.


You could also do trials on a BMX and make it really challenging. If there is a way to make trials more easier, i take it. There no point in 'downgrading' your braking power just to make it harder, so you'll learn not to relie on your brakes.

Although in saying that, riding without a chain helps loads in natual.

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Thats not the point. There is every point in doing it. If it makes you a more fluid rider which rides not on the limit of everything. I think the Japenese have it right. Not only do they eat Sharks and cool poisonous fish but they ride better too. It will be a help to your overall riding ability especially in comps. Its like the army who run with bricks in their bag, and the whole "Wax on Wax off" culture.

Trev (currently cant ^_^ )

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Thats not the point. There is every point in doing it. If it makes you a more fluid rider which rides not on the limit of everything. I think the Japenese have it right. Not only do they eat Sharks and cool poisonous fish but they ride better too. It will be a help to your overall riding ability especially in comps. Its like the army who run with bricks in their bag, and the whole "Wax on Wax off" culture.

Trev (currently cant ^_^ )

Yeah, but the army dosn't run with bricks in their bags when they are at war, only when they're training.

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Hey people my rimjam backing broke yesterday as i was gapping the clip broke well not completely. Well because of this i put the broken rimjam green on the front and took the standard black and put it on the rear, to be onist its the best my brake has ever felt its was powerful and realy smooth and locked realy well, plus i was running a smooth rim with nothing added i.e tar OR nothing i dont know why this is. WHAT A COMBERNATION :lol:

hey conner,

just get some plazmatics, then you'll have a beasty brake. and use some polish on the rim as well makes it super grabby and super noisy. (having said that i got another pinch on the front yesterday from when i was manualling and pulled the brake :-" ) just means you'll have to learn manuals without a brake. B)

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Why not, it just makes you concentrate on being on the object not holding on for dear life with your wheel locked and you Mag lever about to snap. Try it confidence isnt grat to start with but its about precision and fluidity not absolute stopping.


Humm... I tried this back when I had a badly setup brake and was used to tar... years and years ago. Tried a move I could normally nail and slipped, caved in the back of my helmet, still managed to hit my head and couldnt move properly for 5 minutes. There is no need to train running oiled up brakes and to suggest it to a forum with a lot of new riders who are easily impressionable is a bit harsh!

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well i would like to impress on them my point of veiw. Remember a fool is someone who copys the fool, and to hear people talking about Pinches from doing manuals is just plain dumb. Im not trying to imply that a bad brake is everyones cup of tea. I dont ride with it all the time especially on bigger moves. I was by no means trying to make young impressionable riders crash, although if they do there is a "sites vid and pics" section where one might post such a thing. Joking aside, ill ride my way and donate my two pence to this forum and i believe there is too much fuss over brake pads, mine are two yeards old and suit me down to the ground.

Trev (young impressionable riders beware)

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i agree with trev^

people do rely on thier brakes too much, and riding with poor brakes just makes you more accurate, same goes for things like engagement points on hubs, people say they need a chris king to gap further but i really dont think thats the case-it makes it easier sure (well not in my case-i didnt really like my king and ride far betetr with my xc/bulb) but you dont need it-just like having a stupidly powerful brake-im not saying you shouldnt have one cos i like mine being powerful and not slipping but i have found when i ran a substandard brake in the past i quickly learnt to cope with it-does anyone remember that article in mbuk with wayne from norwich? he was rail gapping with no rear brake i think? just used his body weight, bike positioning and force on his pedals to keep him there.....mental and talented :lol:

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