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Just complain that you extreamly hot with them on, and if they say it isn't hot enough, fake a faint. :blink:

Or organise a protest, it your really ballsy. (Y) At the end of the day, if you all do something, they can't expell you all, theres more of you than them. Don't stand for it.

Edited by JT!
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Biketrialler, sorry, but I'm not gonna get over it just like that. I've still got another 2 and a half years here, give or take a month or 2, and I'm gonna be at school for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. You spend more of your time at school than anywhere else, and we are being treated like shit here. We aren't entitled to a civilised opinion, and its like we are all going to be made into clones :blink:

Edited by Liss
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Just complain that you extreamly hot with them on, and if they say it isn't hot enough, fake a faint.  :blink:

Or organise a protest, it your really ballsy.  (Y) At the end of the day, if you all do something, they can't expell you all, theres more of you than them. Don't stand for it.

haha! Great idea :sick: And We did have a protest at one point, the Whole school sat on the field for 3rd and 4th period, then ran outta school! the ''leaders'' just got in shit and after schooled.

Biketrialer, Have you read the thread? Because we haven't said that we hate the school, we have said its shit, but not hate it, We know schools enforce disipline, and we aren't saying we will disobey!!

Kerrie. x

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The lads from our school were getting annoyed that girls could wear skirts and boys couldn't wear shorts, so one lad came in with a skirt on, he got exspelled, so then there was a massive protest saying that boys should be able to wear shorts, and now we are :blink:


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I had to wear a blazer for 5 years at the school I went to. We were only allowed to take them off without permission. We got royally bollocked if our laces were undone. Our sweaters were nasty itchy grey things, nasty nasty nasty.

However, you just grin and bear it, because at the end of the day nobody is going to take the piss as they are wearing the same thing. Its not pathetic. Its teaching moral fibres, respect and discipline. If you're getting so wound up about having to wear a blazer, you're going to have a lot of problems with the stress of work when you're older. Grow up.

You actually spend more time out of school than in, unless your school has 12 hour days and you attend at weekends both days too.

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we haven't said that we hate the school, we have said its shit, but not hate it, We know schools enforce disipline, and we aren't saying we will disobey!!

Kerrie. x

Yeah, I love school, completely geeky thing to say, but meh. I've made so many friends, and love them all! But I just can't stand the way we are treated, its unfair.

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I had to wear a blazer for 5 years at the school I went to.  We were only allowed to take them off without permission.  We got royally bollocked if our laces were undone.  Our sweaters were nasty itchy grey things, nasty nasty nasty. 

However, you just grin and bear it, because at the end of the day nobody is going to take the piss as they are wearing the same thing.  Its not pathetic.  Its teaching moral fibres, respect and discipline.  If you're getting so wound up about having to wear a blazer, you're going to have a lot of problems with the stress of work when you're older. Grow up.

You actually spend more time out of school than in, unless your school has 12 hour days and you attend at weekends both days too.

But the point is you CHOSE that school!! We chose our school and they are changing it without giving us any warning! Don't you get it?! :blink: We_ Chose_ Our_ School! You chose yours! and don't tell me to grow up!

Kerrie. x

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i'd be more worried about your face.

at least you can take the blazer off at the end of the day.

That was a bit harsh wasn't it? :blink:

So your telling me none of you moaned about school while at school? Its exactly the same as this.

Everyones jumping down their throats for having a moan, everyone one of you has a different moan every day, and they have one, in like ever, and you go all mental at them. (Y)

Yes, they will get over it, but the matter at hand is moaning.

Grow up? When your in year 9, you have the right to be not grown up anyway, i know i sure as hell wasn't? (Y)

Also, to be fair, do the will smith, turn it inside out. I've always wanted to do that. :sick:

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That's mean to tell us to grow up.... :blink: this is just our opinion on how our school has changed, is changing, and how its not fair, since we chose it for how it was, and they are changing it, and we don't even get a say in how it is changed. I mean, what's the point in having a school with no pupils? If we were all just to bugger off, they'd all be screwed, yet they still make these rash decisions without the opinions of the pupils.....

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That was a bit harsh wasn't it? :blink:

So your telling me none of you moaned about school while at school? Its exactly the same as this.

Everyones jumping down their throats for having a moan, everyone one of you has a different moan every day, and they have one, in like ever, and you go all mental at them. :sick:

Yes, they will get over it, but the matter at hand is moaning.

Grow up? When your in year 9, you have the right to be not grown up anyway, i know i sure as hell wasn't? :P

Also, to be fair, do the will smith, turn it inside out. I've always wanted to do that. (Y)

Simon, dude, you rock!! Yeah, what Simon said!! ;)

And I will turn my blazer inside out!!

EDIT: Cos we're all gonna look proper 'private school' like, my sister and me are gonna buy a crapload of straw bowler hats, persuade a load of our friends to waer them and walk into school with them on, and all talk in really sarcastic posh voices, cos we're like that (Y)

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Exactly, You guys are jumping down our throats for no apparent reason. Liss was simply starting a thread on our school, hence why in the chit-chat section and i said how shit it is and you jump on us and attack!

Well done Liss (Y)

Thanks Simon :blink:

Kerrie. x

Oh and I won't grow up, If you guys knew me you would know im very mature for my age already.... (Except when im hyper) So i won't grow up just because you f**king tell me to!

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Exactly, You guys are jumping down our throats for no apparent reason.  Liss was simply starting a thread on our school, hence why in the chit-chat section and i said how shit it is and you jump on us and attack!

Well done Liss :sick:

Thanks Simon :blink:

Kerrie. x

Oh and I won't grow up, If you guys knew me you would know im very mature for my age already.... (Except when im hyper) So i won't grow up just because you f**king tell me to!

Yeah, she's really mature for her age, as am I.... if you were to see some of the complete airheads that go to our school.....

Cheers Kerrie hun!

Cheers Simon (Y)

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Ha you guy's think you've got it bad we are bloody bumble bee's in my school we've got to wear black trousers with a BRIGHT yellow polo shirts.

And if that enough humiliation we get these little bugs crawling al over us argh! :blink:

Ah well only 3 weeks left and next year we can wear white im soo happy (Y)

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See, at least some people on this forum have a sense of humour..... :blink:

Whats that meant to mean? I assume thats directed at those of us that think youre blowing this out of proportion in a Kevin and Perry manner yes? Im just confused as I cant find anything in this thread that youve posted that is meant to help you judge my sense of humour...

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'Scuse me, Biketrialler, but I said this thread was a bloody rant...as in a bit of a moan, nothing serious, you know?? And all of a sudden, I get people jumping down my fecking throat for nothing. Its called an opinion. It wasn't doing anyone any harm, and you're just having a go, and to be honest, it's royally f**king me off. Lighten up! It's not a bloody fight, just a harmless moan in Chit-Chat, for Christ's sake.....

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...its like we are all going to be made into clones :blink:

Always the same, as in character or degree; unvarying.

Conforming to one principle, standard, or rule; consistent.

Being the same as or consonant with another or others.

Unvaried in texture, color, or design.

Did you never have a school uniform before? Everyone will have had gripes over their school uniform at some point in their school life, live with it. You are all going to be in the same boat.

I thought I looked rad as f**k in my school uniform.

Added cliché: It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it.

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That's the whole point though, we aren't allowed to be individuals at all. That's what it feels like. The school are making all these little rules to, like, suck the individuality out of us!! :blink:

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