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Animal Cruelty Vid


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monkey your a f**king penis, why the f**k do you joke about that??? do u not feel sorry for them in the slightest? I think im not the only 1 2 think this but ur a complete cock.

I am a penis ay, well at least I can read. If you look further down after my first post, you may read another one of mine. I would type it out again, but it would seem you can't read. So this post is also a waste of my time.

Edit: Time for me to bash some small animal's head against a rock, I'll be back in a few. :-

Edited by MrMonkey
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Remember if your angry about what happened in this video, pick up your cat or dog and smack it's head against a wall to vent your frustration.

hehehe :'(

thats a good way to get the seriousness away from this topic, kinda makes me feel a bit better about the vid (N) :-


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shoudl it or should it not make me feel guilty for killing and eating that rabbit last night? made an ace curry!


yeahs its well wrong, but are all the people harping on saying ''its horrid, i want to kill them all'' giving money to the charities trying to stop them? ar you?

shit happens...

when they slaughter cows they smash a dart through their skulls 'stunning' them...not killing them...then hang them upside down and slit their throats because people said that it was cruel to slit its throat (the cows throat that is) while it was still alive.

my question is....how do they know that the dart dont hurt them? have they asked the cows?

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I f**king hate Islamic twats like that, "because camera filming us we make it worse and change our methods of killing animal" i bet they dont skin the animal alive when there int a camera there! only doing it for film!

They are T W A T S and that really was an eye opener! can u tell :- please delete the video link its not nice! !

A disgrunteled Biff! ^_^

P.S. if they did have a gun they would do more damage throwing the chuffing thing! they dont know how to handle such fire power :'(

Edited by Biff
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I f**king hate Islamic twats like that, "because camera filming us we make it worse and change our methods of killing animal" i bet they dont skin the animal alive when there int a camera there! only doing it for film!

Arabs are T W A T S and that isnt racist! :'( really was an eye opener! can u tell  :- please delete the video link its not nice! !

A disgrunteled Biff!  ^_^

Ahahaha, you're an idiot. Fact. Damn white people.

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what the f**k f**king wankers whats the point in skinning a f**king animal alive then keeping it alive? why whats the point? after the first one then it went to the second animal i had to switch it off before he started cuting its skin off with scissors. fooking twats they realy should go and die

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imagine if that was you having your entire skin pulled off you whilst you were still alive!!!

thats f**king sick and your right they should be killed for doing that to animals!!!

show this to every woman you know and make them realise that some of the shops they spend their money in support this animal cruelty!!!

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there bred for this type of cruelty, if they was Shot humanly then they would "damage" the fur, its the life cycle. But i very much doubt they do that kind of act when the camera is not there!

Im feeling abit better now! had sleep (Y)

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watching that has filled me with so much, agression and anger, i really would love to get hold of those c*nts, (Y) :D :P :P :angry:

I REALLY hope those t*ats die an extremely painful and horrible death after doing that.

Edited by Jonno
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