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Ideal Geometry/ Test Ride


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Hello there guys (Y))

I have put myself on the waiting list for a Leeson - it will be 6+ weeks before he is ready to make it but I like getting things straight in my mind now.

As has been discussed in past topics I will be using it for street and trials. At first I thought the clear (26 inch) was best for me but now Im having doubts as I can imagine the Fluid (24 inch) would be a blast to ride, and really manoeverable. I have never ridden a 24 inch bike nevermind a Leeson so Im unsure what is good/ bad in terms of geometry.

I have a few questions/facts too confirm for anyone that can help :o)

1) Short chainstays are good for manuals, spins and bunnhops (street) etc - as is a short wheelbase, at the detriment of natural trials.

2) Im 6ft2 ish I would need a longer top tube?

3) I notice most pics of the fluid have single speed, whats single speed like for street and trials, what ratio's would you recommend (something like 22 - 12)?

4) Can you compete in trials comps with a 24 inch bike?

5) Anyone in the chester area with either a clear or a fluid willing to let me have a spin around the street or whatever sometime in the next few weeks? :">

Thanks a bunch! :angry:


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If you ride street 100% certain that you should get a 24" one hehe.

If your unsure about the geo, Im gonna stick my neck out and say get it the same as the Ashton Edd Tongue 24", Clive will know this I'd have thought.

If your concerned about the length, add 10mm to the TT length, thats what a tall guy on here done :o

Theres an owner of one in Leeds, and one in nottingham, kinda close :angry: I Think (Y)

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Hi :angry:

Ahhh okay, too stiff; any suggestions for a good trials/street gear ratio compromise. To handle trials and street perhaps going with a cassette might be a better idea? 22-road cassette? Im used to a 42t ring - normal cassette so these trials ratios sound tiny!

Yeah leeds is a good 2 hours away but I could probably get the train there if there were any willing volunteers! (Didnt think so!)

Rich (or anyone) when you say if you ride street 100% are you implying that its no good for trials at all? As I want to do trials as well!



ps: Just thought - how much would 24 inch wheels reduce braking power by (Ill use maguras - any suggestions for rims?)

EDIT: I doubt Mavic D521 cd's come in 24 inch! :">

Edited by ghosts_cloak
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Hello there guys :D)

I have put myself on the waiting list for a Leeson - it will be 6+ weeks before he is ready to make it but I like getting things straight in my mind now.

As has been discussed in past topics I will be using it for street and trials. At first I thought the clear (26 inch) was best for me but now Im having doubts as I can imagine the Fluid (24 inch) would be a blast to ride, and really manoeverable. I have never ridden a 24 inch bike nevermind a Leeson so Im unsure what is good/ bad in terms of geometry.

I have a few questions/facts too confirm for anyone that can help B))

1) Short chainstays are good for manuals, spins and bunnhops (street) etc - as is a short wheelbase, at the detriment of natural trials.

2) Im 6ft2 ish I would need a longer top tube?

3) I notice most pics of the fluid have single speed, whats single speed like for street and trials, what ratio's would you recommend (something like 22 - 12)?

4) Can you compete in trials comps with a 24 inch bike?

5) Anyone in the chester area with either a clear or a fluid willing to let me have a spin around the street or whatever sometime in the next few weeks?Ā  :">

Thanks a bunch! :rolleyes:


1. Yes very nice for spins and manuals, due to Maneuverability.

2. Not sure, so just phone up and ask him.

3. Single-speed is good is you can't be bothered to faff around with gears, you can have them but you don't need to as you cannot attend comps for the meanwhile.

4. Not yet

5. not me and I doubt you will find someone as they are not very common.

All in all they are quality bikes and way worth getting and reliable.

Ps. If you find you want gears you can always just fit some on, because Leeson mech-hangers fit mechs and the Leeson K.I.S.S.S kit for either.


EDIT: If you go up to the Leeson family home I'm sure Clive would let you test try any of the bikes. Well he did for me :P

Edited by ash-kennard
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1. Yes very nice for spins and manuals, due to Maneuverability.

2. Not sure, so just phone up and ask him.

3. Single-speed is good is you can't be bothered to faff around with gears, you can have them but you don't need to as you cannot attend comps for the meanwhile.

4. Not yet

5. not me and I doubt you will find someone as they are not very common.

All in all they are quality bikes and way worth getting and reliable.

Ps. If you find you want gears you can always just fit some on, because Leeson mech-hangers fit mechs and the Leeson K.I.S.S.S kit for either.


EDIT: If you go up to the Leeson family home I'm sure Clive would let you test try any of the bikes. Well he did for me :rolleyes:

Wow cheers dude thats an awesome reply :P.

Thats cleared up a few thoughts/doubts I had. Not being able to compete is a bit of a pain, but as the most I can do is little bunnyhops, backhops, wheelies (ex DH / dirt jumper) I wont be able to realistically compete for years yet anyway!

I did ask Clive above a test ride but he said their test bike was stolen :D , so he recommended I ask around on the net!

I am tempted to go single speed to avoid the hassle of gears, get a stronger chain, no chainslap (I imagine..?) etc but I think perhaps gears may be more useful.



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If where you ride the spots are far apart then get gears. 24" bikes at the moment are specifically designed for street so there won't be comps for a while on 24" me thinks.


Yeah, that makes sense. Here (at home) I will mainly be riding within a few minutes of my house I would imagine, but at uni Im not sure where the local riding spots are (didnt take a bike for my first year) so it could be quite a trek to wherever the local riders go (York university if anyone rides around there ? )



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i am also about to get on clive leesons build list after talking to him i am going to get a clear 660 as the measurements are almost the same as the ashton mk3 that i wanted before hand.

the leeson frames are quite different to all other frames a pushed in bb inside the frame for starters needing a real long axle bb compared to my 108mm one now.

the 360 mounts are easy to take the rear wheel out of, as the mech is not in the way any more as the wheel pulls out horzonital.......

plus clive repairs any frames that break due to trials riding quote "not being throw at a walk for a hour" so they are all good

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i just got mine from clive, how i had it made was a 1010 wheel base, quite a low bb. that is very short because i also love to bmx. its made a happy medium. the bike bunnyhops like a god, but gapping isnt great on it. but it loves the sk8 park.

go around your height and wat you like to ride.

either way the frames are godlike aned on a 24 everything seems to be a bunnyhop.

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ps: Just thought - how much would 24 inch wheels reduce braking power by (Ill use maguras - any suggestions for rims?)

EDIT: I doubt Mavic D521 cd's come in 24 inch! :">

Your brake will actually be more powerfull because there is less moment (think using a big bar to open something compaired to a small bar)

And as for rims no mavic dont do the d521 in 24" but theres a whole host of other rims available checkout the 'everything 24' thread in the FAQ for lots of info (N)

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Ive had my Clear 660 with a 1.0m dead wheelbase for about 3 months now, and it truely is an awesome bit of kit!

Im only 5'9" so the shorter bike suits me a treat, amazingly easy to bunnyhop over bar height. Gapping is tricky if u go for a really short one but the manoeverability is second to none.Absolute blast to ride, havent ridden a 24 version but I imagine just as good. I'd reccomend one to anybody, and I'd let u try mine to see, but ur a fair way from Surrey!

If u can find one to try then do, but even if u cant I very much doubt u'll regret buying one. Even if ur not happy with it once you've tried it, Clive'll give you a full refund or build you something different. He's an ace guy like that, was a rite sh*tter when the demo bike got nicked (Kris' bright pink clear660,one of the early ones he made)

Braking is no different on a 26" bike, and as for rims, there are plenty that people on here will reccomend. Sun Ringle, Atomlab, Tioga and DMR all make decent 24" rims, so once you decide which size you want, get in there and get the bike!!

If u have any queries at all just ring Clive, he's always willing to chat and offer advice. I spent about 3 hours on the phone to him in total before I got the frame!


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Hiya guys!

Haha that has to be the best avatar I have ever seen Danny B) Im not quite sure I follow how the smaller rim will cause more powerful brakes but I am blonde!

Thanks for the info Madchicken, your bike sounds awesome. I cant wait to get mine now, although I gave heard that it could be 10 weeks because he is busy at the moment (N). I guess I can pass the time by deciding on all the bits and bobs I am going to get for it and ordering them in!

Going to check out the 24' faq now,


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i have 380 stays - 74 degree headangle - +25mm bb - 1030 bb rise on mine and it rides great.

People are often surprised how good it is on the back wheel (i prefer it over my mates zoo!), plus it also small and flicky which is great for street B)

it also handles itself well on natural. after all it is a trials bike - just shorter than the norm (nowadays) and has 24" wheels.

I would say that 1030 is a good length to get, you could get 1040 though if you are worried about it being to small and run a shorter stem if you decide too.

don't forget curtis make a nice 24" too (N) if you don't wanna wait


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i have 380 stays - 74 degree headangle - +25mm bb - 1030 bb rise on mine and it rides great.

People are often surprised how good it is on the back wheel (i prefer it over my mates zoo!), plus it also small and flicky which is great for street :-

it also handles itself well on natural. after all it is a trials bike - just shorter than the norm (nowadays) and has 24" wheels.

I would say that 1030 is a good length to get, you could get 1040 though if you are worried about it being to small and run a shorter stem if you decide too.

don't forget curtis make a nice 24" too :P if you don't wanna wait


Hi, thanks for the info - although darn you as well as your post has made my anticipation increase even more!!

I am definately going for a Leeson now, Curtis's are very nice but Leesons just have "something" (special) about them!

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Hi, thanks for the info - although darn you as well as your post has made my anticipation increase even more!!

I am definately going for a Leeson now, Curtis's are very nice but Leesons just have "something" (special) about them!

The difference is that Clive makes frames because he wants to, for no profit, whereas Curtis are in it for the money a bit more (understandable seeing as they are a business...). Does anyone besides boon have a Curtis 24"?

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Didnt boon talk to you at the deej and try to talk you out of getting a 24" as he said it didnt really benefit his riding at all over the 26" ?

Something like that yeah. He reckoned he was just better on the 26", and wasn't finding 24" fun. His bike was a bit odd though - I think it's fairly long (for a shitBMX :- ), and he had a really short stem, so maybe it needs a bit of tweaking to be nice. I liked it from the very small play I had on it though. You would have thought 24" would suit him, and he was still way better on it than I can ever hope to be :P

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