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Not Again!


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:blink: :lol: (Y) :o

holy crap!

There is another report of a rucksack exploding on one of the tube trains!

One witness said he was told by a fellow passenger that a small explosion blew apart a rucksack on one underground train
From here!

edit: that is the nail bomb :P

Something really needs to be done!

I heard they were searching everyones bags as they entered the stations, or is that not true?

Edited by Badboy
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been looking at news and i'm not pointing the finger before i get called racist ect but thes over 28000 people that have been told to go back to wherever the from still wandering and they cant be found..... only 6000 or so do go back!!!

think they should just leave in my opinion make finding these scumbags because they will be registered in the damn country with records and fingerprints ect!!!

all i can really say about these bombs or whatever it is today is TOSSERS!!!1


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I think our imigration/asylum system is absolute rubbish (normally I would use stronger words but they will get filtered anyway :blink:" )

But dont get me started on politics, this thread aint about that. Its to keep everyone up to speed about what has just happened an to hope that no-one is injured by this event.

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thing is its not just arabs  ( crude generalisation) anyone could whack a bomb together and blow the sh!t out of the general public

Very true.

10 years ago all this would be blamed on the IRA.

Things change an now we have this situation, but as a country we need to pull together an bring these people to justice. Not go out like a lynch mob an track them down. We need to show them we are more civilised than that.

Also our justice system needs sorting but thats a different thing all togther! :blink:"

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serisouly they need them metal detector things like at airports so people have to walk through them.. i would of thought they would of had extream high secrity... jees


Thicko's? They seem clever to me, have you ever been on the underground? It's bloody packed, metal detectors would cause chaos. The ticket barriers cause enough trouble as it is!

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if theyre blowing up our innocent people... f**king send a few nukes over there... see how they swallow that.. kill about 5000 of their innocent people.. we will show them how it feels... mother f**kers !

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this is two weeks to the day of the the last one - but it deffinately not as big as the last one

The man who was holding the rucksack looked extremely dismayed

very odd - the bomb wasn't big enough to harm him (he ran away) this could be the work of copycat bombers or something! or maybe meant as a warning of 'we can still get you or something'


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if theyre blowing up our innocent people... f**king send a few nukes over there... see how they swallow that.. kill about 5000 of their innocent people.. we will show them how it feels... mother f**kers !

And then hope that they don't have any to throw back at us... and then hope that when America comes along to "help", they remember who theyre fighting with and who theyre fighting against

EDIT: Apparantly it was just a detenator, not an actual bomb. Probably just a french banger or something

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And then hope that they don't have any to throw back at us... and then hope that when America comes along to "help", they remember who theyre fighting with and who theyre fighting against

Our Nuclear Missles are guided by American computers, so to start off with we need their help :blink:

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Guys Nail Bombs, A bit IRA no? Think its abit of a crude way to go out, that can't be suicide bombing as there is no 100% chance of fatalaty. This would go to suggest that either its some extremist wanabe or just nout to do with last weeks happenings.

Thats my opinion anyhoo, feel free to slate me if Im wrong...


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Our Nuclear Missles are guided by American computers, so to start off with we need their help :blink:

The only nuclear bombs Britain has are in submarines, and Britain doesnt need America to drive them around and bomb the f**k out of whatever we want. In other words, you're wrong, again.

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The only nuclear bombs Britain has are in submarines, and Britain doesnt need America to drive them around and bomb the f**k out of whatever we want. In other words, you're wrong, again.

No, I'm 100% sure there was something about we need American Guidance systems for our Nuclear weaponry.

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No, I'm 100% sure there was something about we need American Guidance systems for our Nuclear weaponry.

So we can't attack America :blink: Think about it, the English government arn't completely retarded, if America controls our missiles then they could detonate/fire them where ever and when ever they wanted! I'm preety sure there is enough friendly fire in America as it is without them bringing us into it!


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No, I'm 100% sure there was something about we need American Guidance systems for our Nuclear weaponry.

Lol. 100% sure, that there was something about.. hmm, sounds like you really know your stuff.

There is nothing stopping our subs driving anywhere they want, appearing where they want and pressing the 'fire in that direction' button.


The Trident II (D5) is a three-stage, solid-propellant, inertially guided FBM with a range of more than 4,000 nautical miles (4,600 statute miles) at supersonic speed.


The missile's inertial guidance system calculates flight behaviour and guidance.

No mention of American Guidance Systems :blink:


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