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05 T-mags


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Yes, the design of the downtube bash mount isn't the best I've seen... It's just a circlular bit of metal welded into the downtube... It appears very fragile compared to say, other Downtube bash mounts like those headtube-gusset shaped ones found on the Onza T-Pro's downtube.

But also, the guy who cracked the T-Mag 05 basically scourned it to an inch of its life by bending the bashplate into the shape of a twisted tree :D" and as Supercycles have told me, bent bashplates should not be ridden with as they actually are really bad for your frame... So what they say is hand in your old bashplate and get 50% off a new bashplate, wow cool! A cheaper 50% off new bashplate so our frames don't crack from crappy old bent ones!

Plus it looks wank going to bash :- compared to direct backwheel landing... It's a terrible habit and as Supercycles have told me, the bashplate is designed as a last resort protection, not a huge grind plate for smashing onto walls... (Y)

Edited by Sponge
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Well actually yes it was, the plate mounts were welded directly to the tube, where there should have been a plate in between the mount and the downtube. I think, it was that which caused the frame to crack there.

No it wasnt, have there been any t-mags crack since that one? No. Has the design changed? No. the reason that one cracked was due to the beating it took, not the bash mount design.

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The t mag design is shite, there was no gusset for the bash and the 4 bolt mounts were welded on incorrectly ive heard from 2 owners.

If they had thicker tubing or were made from u6 and had the correct gussets etc they would be very nice (Y)

But no the design hasnt changed so id stay clear until the zona comes out.

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what's the point in getting a t-mag anyway? its not better than a t-pro in any way at all, and its more money.

Its like choosing between bottled water and drinking from the tap.

To say its not better is silly, its different. Its different in the same way a t-pro is to a python. It all depends on your style on whether its better or not.

Edited by Hobnobs
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To say its not better is silly, its different. Its different in the same way a t-pro is to a python. It all depends on your style on whether its better or not.

This forum seems to revolve around the "if it costs loads, then its amazing" theory.

Oh and the "longer is better" theory as well.  Its all opinion. I much prefer a short bike.

By all means say that you think a t-pro is better suited to you, but dont just label t-mags shit because its not 11 feet long, and made of gold.

Your agument makes no sense.

The t-pro is neither expensive or long, infact its cheap and short.

It is very similar to the t-mag, except it appears alot more durable, and it's less moolah. Its a win, win situation. I'm not having a dig at onza, or anyone else (i love onza and love my t-pro) but why would anyone spend more money, on a bike that isn't as good?

And no-one has labeled T-Mags as shit have they? I personally 'labeled' it indirectly as inferior to a less expensive bike in the same range.

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But my point is, despite the factc i did get mildy confused during my rant, that the t-mag can be better.

None have snapped at the headtube, unlike t-pro's.

Its shorter, which, going by the fact many world champs ride monty's, is a fairly good thing.

And, i would guess, looks better in many peoples eyes.

Bosh the t-pro bash guard mounts on there and bam, great frame.

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Bosh the t-pro bash guard mounts on there and bam, great frame.

yeh, i agree with that. welding the mount onto such a small area is bound to crack any frame. so using a gusset to spread the load would turn a bad frame into a bearable one.

But bringing in the t-pro headtube argument is pretty invalid. Every man and his dog has a t-pro, most of them are newbies and it is there first ever bike, so 12ft drops to two wheels are commonplace in order to earn maximum cool points, therefore they are bound to be snapping off at the headtube.

however, considering how many have been sold, and how many have been shown to us cracked, i think they have done remarkably well.

And also the fact the t-mag has been out about 7 months, and the t-pro has been out more like 26ish is a major factor to be considered.

again, i ain't having a dig, (infact i respect you more than some members), but when it comes down to it, if someone chose a t-mag over a t-pro, i wouldn't hide my opinion that they are incredibly stupid.

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Cheers guys. It looks like I wont get one straight away as i may be able to get me KOXX to last untill the 06 ranges come out from all the maufaturers (Y) . and hopefuly they will beef up the bash mount and make it a realy sweet frame! :P .

A realy cool engeniering place welded up my KOXX for free (and did a good job of it), and now its freshly sprayed 'british racing green' (with a chain stay protecter covering the new weld) it looks good as new, just need to see if its gunna re-crack (Y) .

Hopefuly I wont be spending much time on here over whats left of the summer, because I'll be out riding in all my spare time! :D .

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Plus it looks wank going to bash  (Y)  compared to direct backwheel landing... It's a terrible habit and as Supercycles have told me, the bashplate is designed as a last resort protection, not a huge grind plate for smashing onto walls... (Y)

That's exactly what it's for. :P

And if you use it you can prbably get higher than the UCI people. :D

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Yes, you could get higher than UCI people, but landing hard on bash looks sh*t and feels crap... never mind the ghastly noise.

No JT, you are wrong yet again, they are not designed as grind plates, they are bashguards, take it literally bash----guard.... lol. It's designed as a last resort protection. But going into street, more and more people have started getting into using it in another way it wasn't entirely designed for... ie. smashing headlong into walls on bashplate bending it etc.

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