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Fatty R's And Color


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Okay so i hopefully will be getting some fatty R's soon.

Now do i take the please of grinding away the brake mount these being the rm oens so there disc only??

I don't need a front v, mag as i run disc so no probs there.

Also they are gonan need ether a re-spray or to be highly polished.

Now my frame a Coust Mk1 is in a battle ship light grey, looks like primer but it aint. So what you think gloss black forks or highly polished if it can be done??


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Here she is for you to have a gander at. Sdaly i've killed my maggy's, blown the slaves apart and hosing as my hope leaver is just so god dam powerfull.

So new maggy

Fresh products tensioner on there soon

Tune cranks (lightest things out!!!) to be tested to see if they really can do DH

Longer BB as to a modifed Truative

New front wheel

Mono trial 180 or Monomini

Carbon forks/Fatty R's

New stem, longer and lower


Pretyty much full new re-build







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Not too bad. It does flex but cos of the uber power of the leaver. I do have an XTR booster that Prawn drileld to 4 bolt for me. Jansin said his is fine with no booster but beings i have a 10mm piston with 70mm of pistion movement i get loads of flex.

you think they grey....umm gloss black or highly poished till i get dropout done for my carbons then it'll be Coust looking...

Hoping Michel gets back to me withthe stickers asap

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pete are you runnning a disk lever on your rear maggie? if so please tell me how because that looks soo damn kool


Hi Ben, no problems.

Has to be a Hope Sport C2 leaver. C2 is just the top cap part, if you got an O2 Sport get a new top cap and it'll work on you maggy's. Has a 10mm piston with 70mm of pistion movement and the C2 caps is the tpa.

You can use all std fittings and you need to have a barber fititng for the leaver a sto the olive and sleave nut.

It's a must you have athe leaver totaly stripped and cleaned and new seals fitted if you to run it on mags so it's DOT 4 or 5.1 free. Mine was brand new lucky me.

You also need to have a small rubber o-ring on the barber fititng at the leaver as it will leak ever blood were. Also got to be done up tight...

To bleed you bleed up form the slaves as normal but you bleed it all throught then fit the C2 cap leaving the syringe to do it's thing. You got to fil lthe system air free of corse and let it over flow on the leaver. As you fit the top cap it should push the sysringe back a bit..thus is good. So wind the cap on and tigthen up not adjst sliver dial. Then you just push back on the syring a bit and make sure both slaves are full retratced. Undo syringe and fit bolt jobs done, wind on C2 cap till slaves move slightly and job done.

It's very powerfull, more than RB mate

I'm gonna be selling mine i think as i have an RB and hopeful and 05 monty rear brake coming, spilter the works, yay!

Oh RRP is £60 on them leavers and no longer made

Aby more info pic etc msn me dude pjalchemist@aol.com

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Noz - alright mate!!!!!!

King headset is doing me proudly mate. I havent bothered to service it as it feels lovely and fine to me. Cheers dude. This man is a very relaible for a sale.

Forks well hoping now to go to my carbons if dropouts can be drawn up and made..check topic in NMC

If i get fatty's when i get an e-mail telling me how much Dave wants em to go for and the pics then i can get on form there init.

Probs have gloss black, be nice.

Rim, it's an Undrilled Ronnie from Adam @ Tartybikes. There slightly cheaper but uber stiff and strong. 50gm weight differernce tops.

Your post make no sense mate above. They still make em yes but they have changed them a bit. Your hard pressed to get any as CAD europ have non in stock yet

Edited by random
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