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IPOD Nano is great. Screen doesn't scratch if you leave the clear protective film on it :turned: (it comes like this from the box). You can also get a clear plastic case (and even very strong CNC aluminium cases for it), making it strong enough, even for riding. :) The color screen is really nice.

Believe me, I hate Apple, especially IPOD, but the Nano is a great deal. The 4 gig of flash memory makes it more than worth it. The thing is tiny, i love it. It fits in the front pocket of my shirt.

I can now comfortably listen to music while walking, biking and snowboarding, and wtv, so I am happy. I hate the white earphones though. My only complaint.

Edited by JKH
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Ipod Nano Screen Fault

Do some reasearch especially search for Ipod nano screen.

If you reasearched it yourself propperly you'd find that apple realsed a press statment saying sorry for the problem with the screen, it was a problem with 0.01% of the players, due to a manufacture defect, and any of the faulty units will be replaced for free.


The whole scratching thing is mostly hype too, it's made from the EXACT same material as the ipod g3, g4 and now the g5 and yet no one complained before, mine scratched up, but so have all ipods.

IMO i'd go for the ipod nano, just because it looks nice and is really slim, yet still holds *enough* songs. The zen has it's plus points, more robust and more storage, but then so does the ipod, smaller, and longer battery life, colour screen, picture viewer etc. Really you'll be with a winner whatever you go for, it's just down to what you want to use it for :turned:

Oh, and http://arstechnica.com/reviews/hardware/nano.ars/3 :) not tough eh? Don't judge on looks :P

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I have a 30Gb i-pod photo (which Dixons kindly gave me when I broke an old 10Gb one) and it does seem to last a lot longer. This might be because it's newer and the battery hasn't started degrading.

The smaller i-pods look nice, but I have too much music and also use the i-pod to back up files from my PC, so 30Gb suits me fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After all this then, which would be the best to buy for around the £100 mark?

Well if i can get my zen micro changed i'm looking at getting a creative muvo TX SE. The cheapest i can find the 1gb model is £74 and it looks like a really nifty bit of kit. It's nice3 and small and theres two sections. The main section is simply to store the battery (AAA-18 hours life) and the other is the actual player. The player section disconnests from the battery section and has a USB port on it so you can connect it to any computer without cables. Would be really handy for schools/collage or whatever as it would be like a massive pen drive thingy that can actually play your music (it can store any file). 1gb is enough for me and it sounds great. Only problem is Creative haven't exactly been brilliant to me but the zen micro seems to be the only faulty product, look on the creative forums and theres millions of zern micro complaints but none of any of the other players.


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they have sorted the zen micros now :) i had one die from hard drive failure, but it was one of the first released, then the second one had the headphone problem. i argued for a refund but they wouldnt have it and sent me a new one ensuring me they had streghtened the internals, and so far so good.

the latest ones also have more memory i belive, but i would go for the newest creative (creative sleek) which is in between the touch and the micro. looks like a slightly larger i pod mini, minus the ipodwheel, but is smaller than the touch with better looks, more storgage, and the features of the micro (full touch pad for example).

Zen Sleek

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Be a fashion whore, buy the ipod then let me know when your battery dies.

Damm people are stupid, why buy something that you know will break and Apple will chrage to fix it.

People complain baout the iupod batteries but if people are stupid enough to keep buying them then you deserve it.

Creative all the way or another make

My Zen Mirco has been fine for nearly a year now its been dropped I snapped the headphone cable but thats might fault for chewing it.

Edited by Michael Hardman
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Whats the deal with the sony one? the 20/30gb one? thats pretty tiny, big screen, long battery life of a claimed 40 hours, loads of memory... the software is prbably crap, but once the music is on it wont need to come off again!

So whats peoples opinions of the sony one?

What about this?

Edited by andyroo
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The sony ones are pretty good but people seem to have a phobia of the format sony uses. Despite the fact you don't have to use it and if you do theres no noticeable difference in quality.

Ive heard from have forums that atrac3 is far better quality and more compressed than mp3...

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they have sorted the zen micros now :) i had one die from hard drive failure, but it was one of the first released, then the second one had the headphone problem. i argued for a refund but they wouldnt have it and sent me a new one ensuring me they had streghtened the internals, and so far so good.

the latest ones also have more memory i belive, but i would go for the newest creative (creative sleek) which is in between the touch and the micro. looks like a slightly larger i pod mini, minus the ipodwheel, but is smaller than the touch with better looks, more storgage, and the features of the micro (full touch pad for example).

Zen Sleek

My friend bought a Zen Sleek, purely because he hates iPods, two days later, he returned it, and bought a Nano. I don't know 100% why, it seemed like an OK player to me.

Ive heard from have forums that atrac3 is far better quality and more compressed than mp3...

Yeah, that's what Sony told me too. I generally think standard formats are best, and mp3 is definately the most used, I don't notice any problems on my PC system when I play them, so they are good enough.

The only thing against Sony player is the software, it's a complete cow.

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Well if i can get my zen micro changed i'm looking at getting a creative muvo TX SE. The cheapest i can find the 1gb model is £74 and it looks like a really nifty bit of kit. It's nice3 and small and theres two sections. The main section is simply to store the battery (AAA-18 hours life) and the other is the actual player. The player section disconnests from the battery section and has a USB port on it so you can connect it to any computer without cables. Would be really handy for schools/collage or whatever as it would be like a massive pen drive thingy that can actually play your music (it can store any file). 1gb is enough for me and it sounds great. Only problem is Creative haven't exactly been brilliant to me but the zen micro seems to be the only faulty product, look on the creative forums and theres millions of zern micro complaints but none of any of the other players.


Get it. They're nothing like the micro ones (which are pretty notorious for breaking), and they're good. I have the 256 version and it's all you would want really. It's just really small and works well. I've not had any problems with it, and neither has my friend who has it too.
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I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the I-Pod Shuffle, I picked up one of these beasts a few months ago, it's sooooo fecking light it's unreal. My whole set-up, i.e. pod, headphones and lanyard weighs in at under 50 grams, which for a gigabyte's worth of tracks (I get around 120-150 (all around 320 bit rate) and the battery lasts a good twelve hours) is pretty incredible, especially as I was going from a CD player, carrying around cds with it, not mentioning the skippage as well. Also, the Shuffle can be charged just by plugging into a USB.

They're incredibly easy to use and when worn with a lanyard or arm strap they're out of harms way, plus you could even just use the protective rubber thing (how gay does that sound) to keep it in tip-top condition.

Though, I wouldn't have got one if I hadn't had a go on one before hand, when I first saw them I was just passed them off as shit as they didn't have a screen. You get used to it really quickly though, it's kinda like having a trials bike with a big old comfy seat and a levelboss frame, the seat's cool to have, but not necessary and without it takes quite a bit of weight off :lol:

Everyone seems to have had poor experiences with Itunes, I've not had one bad experience with it strangely, and it's pretty user-friendly too I've found. However, I've not really used any other programs like it so I can't compare it to anything else.

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i was going to get a nano as i like the idea of it being small, extremely compatible with my mac, and i can look at pictures and i can get some kind of device ( saw in on apple site) so that when i am out i can connect said device to ipod and camera and copy my pictures from my camera when i am out, if i am on holiday/ride/roadtrip/event etc. it means i can fill up my memory card as much as i want. I was also going to get a case for it, and the Apple site tells you about the battery life, and i can get a student discount, it seemed right for me, can you view pictures on the creative?Can you copy pictures whilst you are out? (that is a actually a question, not a pompous rhetorical question!)

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can you view pictures on the creative?Can you copy pictures whilst you are out? (that is a actually a question, not a pompous rhetorical question!)

Well with the creative i showed above it plugs directly into a computers USB and you transfer files just by dragging and dropping. So no you can't view pictures but you can store most types of document, video, picture file or whatever so it acts as a big flash pen that can play the music.


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Creative did do a zen micro photo, dnno if it flopped or not, or maybe they only released it in the US, but i imagine that would be able to do some of that. There is an archos which would suit you down to the ground if photo storage as well as music is your thing, and it may be worth looking at others in there range. I had one for a while, and while it was very small for a 20gb player, and had good features, i didnt like the buttons and navigation (screen/menus were good, but took a long time to get though them with little joystick).

Archos Photo Mp3 player Im not sure if this model does, but he next model up is also a USB host, meaning you can plug a camera, or any other usb file storage into it and transfer files across (Y)

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