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The Old Woman Young Men Thing On Tv


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Anyone see this on Channel 5??

Some 70 year old woman was going out with a 31 year old man-nerd.

There was also some woman who has "Multiple Orgasm Sydrome", and on average had 60 orgasms a day, things such as sneezing could knock her unconcious through pure pleasure.

Discuss. I guess, or be very afraid.

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It's staceys mom that has it going on, not staceys great grandmother, EUGH!

Although, one of them was a geek with massive gums and ugly teeth so a biddy is probably the best he can hope for and another was a young lad who obviously got a bit carried away with the 'i fancy my mates mum' thing and went too far.

I then changed the channel to watch The Used Car Roadshow, becasue i am that cool. ;)

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That cool you can't spell because or use capital letters properly. GODDAMNIT PEOPLE, put your English before your used car shows.

I would have to say i'm one of the better english students on this forum, not that it ACTUALLY MATTERS,

and i can spell 'because', (Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Exits ;) ) however my 'Typing Rythme' (technical phrase) means i always get the 's' and the 'u' the wrong way round.

Anyway, why do you even care, you take shit like this too far right off the 'entertainment -o-meter' and right onto the 'i'm an annoying arrogant twat scale'.

You ain't a mod, you ain't clever, you didn't even finish school, and yet you pick on people and contradict yourself by making stupid posts. (About 15 minutes ago you were picking on some 13 year old kid for making a crap post).

I wouldn't normally have a go, you had almost earnt some respect, but you always somehow manage to act like a twat.

Guess i better prepare for a wit filled comeback based around your penis or a group of remedials, or even better a line-by-line analysis of this actual post. Or perhaps i'll even experience the pleasure of getting abused by you female alter-ego.

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I would have to say i'm one of the better english students on this forum, not that it ACTUALLY MATTERS,

and i can spell 'because', (Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Exits ;) ) however my 'Typing Rythme' (technical phrase) means i always get the 's' and the 'u' the wrong way round.

Anyway, why do you even care, you take shit like this too far right off the 'entertainment -o-meter' and right onto the 'i'm an annoying arrogant twat scale'.

You ain't a mod, you ain't clever, you didn't even finish school, and yet you pick on people and contradict yourself by making stupid posts. (About 15 minutes ago you were picking on some 13 year old kid for making a crap post).

I wouldn't normally have a go, you had almost earnt some respect, but you always somehow manage to act like a twat.

Guess i better prepare for a wit filled comeback based around your penis or a group of remedials, or even better a line-by-line analysis of this actual post. Or perhaps i'll even experience the pleasure of getting abused by you female alter-ego.

Okay, well I see I hit a touchy nerve by saying you mis-spelt something. Erm, I wasn't expecting some big rant about a small comment, once again humour passed through the fabulous internet in the strangest way.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, what's this about me not finishing school?

And it's a Rhyme, not a Rhythme.

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Back to topic.

When the age gap is that big, and that noticeable, i can't really see the point. Especially when the age gap effects the relationship. For instance, you would have to be extra careful about sporting activities, and other such activities that could potentially injure her. I mean, at 70, your body isn't all that up for going on a 20mile treck to the top of a mountain to have a romantic picnic in the sunset, or to get up at 4am to go watch the sunrise on the beach.

Age gaps in relationships are complicated. ;)

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