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St Ives Ride

Mr Monty

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Hi is that the st.Ives park with the golf course and fishing lake by harden?

Is it a holiday park by some sand dunes? If it is then that is in Godrevey which is just around the coast.

EDIT: That's St Ives in my avatar <<<.

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I'll be comig down i think monday next week (Y) about 2 ish, is there much to ride once it gets dark?


No not really, It's amazing in the day but at night no. The only decent place is at the malakof but I got my name taken down by the police for vandilism last time I rode there :S .

It usually get's dark around 5 though.

Edited by Jaffacakes
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i think i've been there. riding with bigman. he calls this place we went to mecca. not sure if its the same place though.

but anyways its awesome.

EDIT: a pic of me in mecca in my piccy (Y)

Yeah thats kligger. (Y)

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