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Leeds Ride


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For the people who it doesnt work for, the domain was only registered last night so it might take up to another day for the link to start working for you, depending on how often your ISP's update their DNS. Try the second link anyway, that's been working for longer so it may work for you.

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decent first effort dude. i prefer to hear bike noises in vids, but thats just me.

some great riding, buckys nose manual over the greyblock is sweet. good to see dre out too, ain't seen him in ages.

oh and looking at url - tf hosting? :)


Edited by leedstrials
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The music was alright, but could have done with some bike noises I reckon. And too much dirt at the end, it was boooring. Oh, and how come the video is REALLY washed out? Was it taken on a digital camera or something? Apart from that it was good.

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il give you + and - on this one.

positive is there is some good riding in there and it looks pretty kool.

but iv got to be negative in the way that its a frigging 6miniute video and after 3minutes i just didnt really want to watch it. its not a critism to THIS one video. its to most over like 3/4minutes long

to keep someone interested or at a computer screen you MUST have the intensity in a video something to keep it going and going.

thats my opinion on the matter. but hey someone will come back and say they love 6/10minute videos i personally hate em cos i get bored, but the videos TO watch were TK videos and some of the TR ones where they were 2/3minutes long and the riding was that explosif and intensifying it KEPT you at the computer screen and made you watch it 2/3 times to make sure that what was happening was true but it like made you want more of it.


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