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Who Knows Laptops


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First thing is to decide what you want your laptop for. This is important because if you want it instead of your pc then you probably want a big beasty one that's not easily portable, whereas if you want one as well as a pc then you can afford to lower the spec you get in exchange for one that you can take pretty much anywhere, and which will have much better battery life away from the mains connection.

I personally prefer the ultra portable type, but to do it properly you'd probably need to go secondhand.


I'll probably post some more in a bit

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Well, to me the most important things are good build quality and size, if you're gonna take it anywhere. Also the sound of the thing - they're really annoying if there's a whiney fan spinning all the time. Battery life also very important if you're gonna take it anywhere. But I guess if you're gonna use it as your main computer and not really take it anywhere none of that stuff really applies.

Some of the cheaper laptops are just big and fat and noisy, with shit battery life. I would go for something of higher quality, maybe second hand. But most importantly don't worry too much about the specs - for just playing DVDs and internet and stuff, anything over 1GHz will be fine (make sure it's got a decent amount of ram though).

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I'v been thorugh 2 laptops now. Bartery life on laptops are shit. Unless you go for a super duper lower power one, which are generally lower in perfomance. I just use my laptop's battery for carrying it to another room.

All laptops these days have a DVD writer, and usb ports.

Have a look on comet, they do a few good ones under £500

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The Laptop isnt for me, its for my sister.

She wants it for college work, Watching films on when she is away and general internet use.

She looked at buying a Dell, but if they are anything like their PCs, I would avoid.

So what sort of spec shoud I look for?

Seen a




DVD/CD writer drive

15" TFT


Thats £570

Or the lower one


Are they any cop?

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Both look reasonable to me, maby try finding a widescreen, bit better for movies.

I have an acer, and the only one thing i don't like about is it has no physcial volume controll. But that's it, spot on everywhere else.

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My Mum has a Dell laptop and it's nice. It's good and small and portable, and the battery life is better than most. But they do different lines, hers is one of the more portable ones. On the other hand, my housemate has a big fat Dell lappy and it sucks. It's noisy, hot, crap battery life and it's huuuuuge. Although it doesn't really bother him, I guess it works. The thing with Laptops is that you can't really compare them side-to-side in the same way that you can with desktops; the one that looks best on paper is not necessarily the best.

At the risk of being shouted down, can I make a suggestion? iBook (12"). Nice and small, very strong, 5+ hrs of battery life (and that's actually true), and they aren't too expensive. You should be able to get a G4 one that's a year old or so for the sort of money you're looking to spend. Avoid the G3's unless they're very cheap though. I think they're awesome. You are of course entitled to make your own mind up. But they're definitely worth considering ;)

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why dont you just get a DECENT laptop, my mate just brought a powerbook for £500 on ebay plus bundled with loads of programs and will kick the ass off any other windows based laptop at that price plus you CANNOT buy a windows machine aswell built as a mac latop FULLSTOP.


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