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Oh My Sweaty Nipples!

mr ailsbury

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Personally, I just found it made me ride better. When I couldn't rely on my brake to make up for me riding shit, I found I actually rode better. No doubt a lot of people here won't actually get the point I'm trying to make there, but hey - there we go. I loved the feeling of it, and how it made me ride, but ultimately the nature of Llandrindod, and the fact I liked to do different stuff which sorta maybe required a brake, meant that I had to put it back on. Equally, swapping from my trials bike to my BMX takes a bit of time, so it's easier to adjust if I've got a safety net there when I first go back onto it.

EDIT: Oh, and high speed gaps with not much run-out. That was another reason ;)

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running no brakes is just clutter free its a lot more simple and the brake on MOST bmx's are shit anyway

the only time it got scetchy was when we shot down huge hills but then you can just use your foot the break :huh:

if you use your noodle you shouldnt get into too much trouble

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no one can deny his barspin skills are godlike,

in some cases he doesn't even touch them and they are spinning... :ermm:

p.s i learnt 360 tyretaps yesterday, bmx owns me.

oh, and as for the brakes thing, me and my mate were bombing down a massivley steep hill yesterday when he hit the brakes on a bend and flipped out over a fence, hahaha it was quality, i then proceeded to almost get run over by some stupid bint in a merc 4x4. Trying to turn whilst hopping a puddle don't work... Moral of the story, you are probably more likely to die by relying on brakes, than not.

annnnd, if anyone knows the song/artist from the second video (the one that one aspire), lemme know, i've been looking for ages.

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In all honesty though, you're not a great source of knowledge about BMXing? Like when someone put up a pic of their brakeless BMX you didn't get why, and said it was a stupid idea or something like that?


sorry,I don t know you but if you say that you know better bmxing than me I trust you :)

you are right I don t know bmx very well (Y)

but the man who told me that it was cool to ride street without helmet ride bmx a lot.

if you say it s not true,it s ok. but then explain me why a man who rides like a beast and jumps roofs of houses doesn t wear an helmet??????? and why any street bmx riders wear helmets when they rides very dangerous lines?????

I think I don t have to know bmxing very well to say that street riding is dangerous and it s not very intelligent to ride without helmet (as trial riding)

steven hamilton(your signature (Y) ) rides like a beast but one day he will die...because his skull is not un breakable...

your reasons(about the breakless) looks very good so I m sorry :$

If you ride better I respect that :)

ok,now you know that you are better than me about bmxing knowledge so the next time I will say a mistake I hope you will correct me( but without >_<<_<:sick: words)


sorry for my :sick: rotten english

And chimpanzyyyy you obviously have no idea about bmx so dont start

ok for the brakes :$ of excuse :$

but about helmet I think I don t have to know bmxing very well to say that street riding is dangerous and it s not very intelligent to ride without helmet (as trial riding) :D

if he wants to die it s his buziness but I think it s a shame because if he dies he can t ride any more... (N)

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I never said he was cool for riding street without a helmet. I always ride with a helmet because i think its stupid to ride without

ok your are intelligent :D(Y)

but now could you explain why many( I think :$ ) great riders rides in videos without helmets??? :huh:

because I don t know and i can t explain that( I am not a great source :lol: )

Edited by chimpanzyyyy
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Personal choice, I guess. Plus, falling on a BMX is different to on a trials bike, not to mention some other factors involving snapping parts (and which bikes that happens more on ;)), and so on...

BMXing is more similar to skateboarding, basically, in how they ride and the resulting falls, and it follows skateboarding culture closer, and I think it's probably a cross-over thing. Either way, the pros you've been talking about have been riding for a hell of a long time, so I think they're probably able to make up their own minds about what they're doing.

At the end of the day though, the main difference is just how you fall from trials bikes (and the cause) compared to how you fall from a BMX (and the cause, again).

EDIT: Oh, and the final edit - sorry if it sounded like I was having a go at you chimpanzy, I may have come across a little strong. Reeeeeeeeeally crappy day at work 'n' stuff...

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i always wear a helmet no matter what,

i seem to fall worse on small things than when i'm really going fult tilt, plus i have no reason not to wear one, i ride for the riding, not for the image, if people wanna laugh at me, that's their problem.

imo, the 'pros' and well respected riders should make an effort to promote helmets just becasue they can. Sure they might not be an essencial, but the benefits outweigh the street cred you apparently earn.

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Personal choice, I guess. Plus, falling on a BMX is different to on a trials bike, not to mention some other factors involving snapping parts (and which bikes that happens more on ;)), and so on...

BMXing is more similar to skateboarding, basically, in how they ride and the resulting falls, and it follows skateboarding culture closer, and I think it's probably a cross-over thing. Either way, the pros you've been talking about have been riding for a hell of a long time, so I think they're probably able to make up their own minds about what they're doing.

At the end of the day though, the main difference is just how you fall from trials bikes (and the cause) compared to how you fall from a BMX (and the cause, again).

EDIT: Oh, and the final edit - sorry if it sounded like I was having a go at you chimpanzy, I may have come across a little strong. Reeeeeeeeeally crappy day at work 'n' stuff...

:) ok man

one question: do you really think the experience of pro rider protect them when they fall???

in all honesty I think the fall in skating and bmxing are very more dangerous than trial!!!

more spead===>more danger!!!!

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You seem to have missed my point. I'm not saying they're immune to falling off and hitting themselves, but seriously, if you watch any BMX crash section, the crashes happen differently to trials. Typically, BMXers end up rolling or just getting their hands/feet out and rolling out of them. With trials, it's totally different. That's largely because BMXers tend to fall off when landing tricks (unless they throw the bike away mid-air or whatever), and therefore just sorta fall onto the ground, and they can react to it differently. When you fall off on a trials bike, it's usually a mechanical failure or you messing up the take-off or landing, which leaves you with a lot less time to react. The parts on trials bike also favour less strength as long as there's a good weight saving, which is contrary to BMX, so stuff on trials bikes tends to suddenly snap, leaving you in the merde, whereas BMX tends to give you a bit more warning.

But either way, the actual falls themselves are different, and generally they are actually safer falls, if such a thing actually existed.

It's hard to put across what I mean :P

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Sorry, I know it must be hard. Your English is still amazing though! Better than many here.

I hope you see what I meant. The actual way you fall on a BMX is different to a trials bike, and the sort of terrain/obstacle you fall on. If you are gapping from a rail to rail but something goes wrong, you are just in the air with two rails under you, but if you mess up a jump on a BMX, you can control the fall more easily, which is another point about it...

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Your English is still amazing though! Better than many here.

man I love you :lol:(Y):D:P(Y)

maybe I m crazy but I prefer trial fall than bmx fall; because a trial fall only hurts a lot but I m sure I can die in a bmx fall.

I rode street 26" before trial(on a 24bicycle toy frame) and I don t like fall with spead...ouch it was horrible

some of my friends ride aggressive street on dmr bikes and downhill bikes...so many way to die :mellow:

I think it depends of people

some people like spead, some doesn t like :-

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I still don't see the point in riding brakeless. I can understand flatland because its not really a high velocity sport, But when that guy went over the train tracks, what if he was too slow? He wouldn't be able to brake he'd have to jump off

but then what if his jeans got caught on his saddle? he'd go plummeting forward too (and before you say, yes that has hapened to me before)

it annoys me too that complete beginners to bmx take their brakes off because they see pros doing it and think its cool and will make them better. Then when they end up with a broken nose they don't understand why (N)

meh i guess ill never get into the bmx frame of mind....

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That is possibly the most random reason I've ever read for not going brakeless. You are aware you can brake with your shoe on your tyre and stuff like that? You can slow down ridiculously fast like that, but either way, if you're going for a big gap you don't f**k around, basically. I see your point about beginners doing it, but for people who've ridden for a bit and are trying new stuff, it's not like it's a bad thing to do, basically.

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That is possibly the most random reason I've ever read for not going brakeless. You are aware you can brake with your shoe on your tyre and stuff like that? You can slow down ridiculously fast like that,

Have you seen how quick your trainer wheres down. Its insane! But I agree with you here mark, when i used to bmx (a while back) I found that having no brakes made me try some insane stuff. And i usually got it. Having no brakes does tend to improve your riding. For the simple fact that you cant pull out of something. It helps you to improve handling of a bmx. If you have a choice between trying and controlling a out of control bmx or nutting the concrete. I think your going to chose try and control it!

From Lee

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