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Oh My Sweaty Nipples!

mr ailsbury

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i agree with mark twas a boring vid, thought he looked a right tit myself, horrible style.

was it boring though? honestly?

i was sat at the edge of my seat thinking, is this guy gonna kill himself at the start or the end of the vid :o

i can't, for the life of me, know how people think vids like this is boring?


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His first video I watched for ages, it was slightly more techincal and had no falling off, the guy is a legend and funny as hell to watch, he's skitching a car in that and pulls out his gun and starts waving it around, true Gansta.

Love it.

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i didnt think he was a total great rider to be honest. ive seen better

but this bloke has the biggest bollocks ever and youv'e got to give him some cred!

i mean the gun was a bit :huh: like dude your going to fall off and kill yourself. 1stly i thought it was like maybe a cap gun??? but then remembered it was america :unsure:

still absolute nutter

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I find it funny that he wears his helmet at the skatepark but not on the street. Nutter (Y)

Probably required to wear his helmet at the park for heath and safety or legal reasons I'd say, It's like that in most parks here now and in the USA its probably the same.

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God help if he ever rode DH as he would like blitz !!

haha yeah. He'd be responsible for shooting all the other riders as they went passed him

I though the 180 roof gaps got boring after a while, but everything else was like :o Those fakie bunnyhops too I've never seen anything like it ever :o(Y)


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a bmx rider say to me it s cool to ride street without helmet...

In all honesty though, you're not a great source of knowledge about BMXing? Like when someone put up a pic of their brakeless BMX you didn't get why, and said it was a stupid idea or something like that?


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In all honesty though, you're not a great source of knowledge about BMXing? Like when someone put up a pic of their brakeless BMX you didn't get why, and said it was a stupid idea or something like that?

"Ill go flying at this jump without any brakes. Oh noes! a kid has jumped out infront of me, ah well I can't stop because Im too cool for brakes so ill just plough into it"

You can still have brakes on a bmx, but not use them? or do they make it too heavy? :huh:

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"Ill go flying at this jump without any brakes. Oh noes! a kid has jumped out infront of me, ah well I can't stop because Im too cool for brakes so ill just plough into it"

You can still have brakes on a bmx, but not use them? or do they make it too heavy? :huh:

It's totally different, and it feels totally different. Also, assuming you can look, you can generally avoid stuff like that happening. Alternatively, turn? ;)

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It's totally different, and it feels totally different. Also, assuming you can look, you can generally avoid stuff like that happening. Alternatively, turn? ;)

you cant turn unless you lean before the turn. so it would be more like, lean you body weight over, then turn, by which time u'll have hit the kid?

brakeless is silly imo, unless for barspins its easier to grab the bars really.


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Personally, I still prefer the option of looking, and not being a stupid twat and riding at stuff unless I know what's the other side?

Just the same as if you haven't tried brakeless you don't know what you're talking about, if you don't actually ride parks or street a lot you also won't know what you're talking about ;) It's not hard to think "Hmm, I want to ride that jump-box, but there's someone riding towards it. Ah well, I'll go anyway." You look at who else is dropping in or riding somewhere, and work from that...

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