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I'm not making one but i know that there are a few black and asian riders and i'm sure that they don't like to be looked down on by narrow minded people calling them names thinking it is funny or big to look down on people.

Maybe just my opinion but you if you think it's alright then your just a small minded person. i would not like to be called names like white boy, snowman ect if i was a minority.

You are a minority, Honky/whiteboy/snowman/snowflake/milkybar kid/cracker/Triple-K kid.

No two people are exactly the same. Therefore any one person is susceptible to predjudice. Just get over it and live life rather than trying to be a pseudo-hero.

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i think he is trying to get at the unnecessary 'racist' comments. sure as hell everyone is a minority of some kind, but using words such as nigger, coon, etc, are quite unnecessary for the context they are in, simply for the sake of possibly offending someone, why not use a nicer word that works on an entirely different plane and wont insult anyone?

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Coon, Jungle bunny, mars bar, the list goes on.

Never seen a black trials rider actually.

I have seen two I think, I was quite shocked and just goes to that stereotypes are completely blown out of context. Have any of you ever seen a non asian Muslim? It is quite sureal. -- not saying that you have to be asian to be muslim but it is a rarety.

Edited by ramps
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shizwack wasnt made up by porter.. i known plenty of people that have used it years before this forum picked up on it. The black guy on big brother said it about 50 times when he was in there.. the same year as that scottish guy who went mad and smashed the place up.

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Bloody elll...I want to post on this topic, but I'd probably cause world war 3. All I ask is that have you ever BEEN to a place were white people are a minority? Do you have any idea what its like to be in a place where most people look at you like they want to hurt you?

Nottingham College...My mate went there and its seperated between cultures. Black and white people who dont give a toss have one room, black 'gangstas' to their own room...any white lad who dares go into their common room will (and it has happened) be beaten up.

Most of them carry guns, knifes...

If you think white people are the cause of racism in this country, you've been hugging too many trees my friend.

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Bloody elll...I want to post on this topic, but I'd probably cause world war 3. All I ask is that have you ever BEEN to a place were white people are a minority? Do you have any idea what its like to be in a place where most people look at you like they want to hurt you?

Nottingham College...My mate went there and its seperated between cultures. Black and white people who dont give a toss have one room, black 'gangstas' to their own room...any white lad who dares go into their common room will (and it has happened) be beaten up.

Most of them carry guns, knifes...

If you think white people are the cause of racism in this country, you've been hugging too many trees my friend.

Gotta agree nottingham is getting really bad.. my friend goes to uni there and lives in a house just down the road where there have been shootings in the barbers next door... scarey

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Bloody elll...I want to post on this topic, but I'd probably cause world war 3. All I ask is that have you ever BEEN to a place were white people are a minority? Do you have any idea what its like to be in a place where most people look at you like they want to hurt you?

Nottingham College...My mate went there and its seperated between cultures. Black and white people who dont give a toss have one room, black 'gangstas' to their own room...any white lad who dares go into their common room will (and it has happened) be beaten up.

Most of them carry guns, knifes...

If you think white people are the cause of racism in this country, you've been hugging too many trees my friend.

yeah its called my focking work! in mcdonalds im the minority, im the only white english speaking b*****d in the kitchen most of the time! its really bad, i cant understand what the hell there chatting about and they keep pinching my arse

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yeah its called my focking work! in mcdonalds im the minority, im the only white english speaking b*****d in the kitchen most of the time! its really bad, i cant understand what the hell there chatting about and they keep pinching my arse

Haaaaahahahahahhahahahahaha that's the best thing I've read. :lol::lol::lol::lol::D

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Bloody elll...I want to post on this topic, but I'd probably cause world war 3. All I ask is that have you ever BEEN to a place were white people are a minority? Do you have any idea what its like to be in a place where most people look at you like they want to hurt you?

Nottingham College...My mate went there and its seperated between cultures. Black and white people who dont give a toss have one room, black 'gangstas' to their own room...any white lad who dares go into their common room will (and it has happened) be beaten up.

Most of them carry guns, knifes...

If you think white people are the cause of racism in this country, you've been hugging too many trees my friend.

I guess this will cause controversey, too. But... I have a black family three doors down from me. I grew up with the kids and got on with them very well. But really, the Grandmother is the only decent one in the house. The kids hit puberty and went all "gangsta" and started getting very large chips on their shoulders. And I'm afraid to say that that's my main experience of black people - a hell of a lot of them carry around chips on their shoulders.

I even get called "cracker" by some of Africans in a nearby town. My family has never been in the slave trade and I've never touched a whip. I guess they just watch too many Wu-Tang videos? Maybe next time I'll remind them how black people ended up in slavery... because Africans took white slaves who rebelled and took revenge.

Get a lot of Kosovan's here, too. They just segregate themselves and impregnate the 13-year-old girlies so they can get extended visas. If they're commiting paedophilia here I wonder why they can't go back to Kosovo? And recently I've been hearing what I can only think is "what're you looking at, honky-boy?" In broken English.

...and they keep pinching my arse

Think yourself lucky! Around here they stab you. Or if you're 14, they rape you.

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shizwack just sounds like the word shit by how everybody has been using it. Around here most people are fond of using 'your mum' to insult you..but friends also use it :S it means naf all to stokies. But if i said that to someone who didn't live around stoke they'd hate me lol

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