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Help Needed To Pedal Kick


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can anyone give me some tips on pedal kicking. i jump on the back wheel in this possition normaly if this helps

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i did one earlier about 3 cm forwards but i would like to do bigger than that lol

thanks sam

Edited by saracen_rider
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i had the same problem i just couldnt pedal hop to save my life lol but i got told to sort of do a wheelie you push down on your cranks do quatre of a rotation and the bring your cranks back to the starting postion and strike again do this to start the after try pulling you brake in between each strike of your cranks then when you are fine doing this start pushing more downwards then pulling up you will then start pedal hopping

just ignore me if this makes no sense at all to you (Y)

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I remember when i first learnt to pedal hop forwards and imho there isnt a way to explain it, it will only come with practice but yeah as someone has said, go get Tricks and Stunts and that will give you some motivation.....keep trying thought bud


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If you have sky, extreem sports does a "Tips and tricks" show - they did an episode on pedal kicking. If you flick onto that every time its on, they repeat quite often.

Also, trialsride.com have quite a good tutorial second - walk throughs with pictures and vids which is nice.



EDIT: Also, check the topic about foot position on the pedals

Edited by scazz
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Buy "mastering the art of trials" by ryan leech, it really is the best dvd around for learning trials tricks from multiple angles in slow motion and with instructional commentary. and for £20 you cant really go wrong.


ive got it already but i havent had chance to watch again

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Sounds like your halfway there to me.

To get more distance, straighten your arms a bit before you ... `release the brake pull on the bars and kick` You kinda pull yourself forward, through the bike, and hop/jump a split second later .... I only really lean back when I land, to save falling forward!

About this much ....hey I`m trying to help ....honest! :-

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I know there is a part of just practice practise practise

but i found the way forward was riding with experienced riders

on my 1st ride out on my bike at the time (the bike you have now) and in an hour i could pedal hop 3 or so times i know it sounds simple but been the whole platform for everything im doing now

oh an learn to backhop cos i missed that stage an still pretty poor at doing it i can only do it in a pancky fot - however i did backhop gap to rail the other day - that was only to save my teeth first

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It may feel a bit wierd, but lower your front end a bit just before you kick. Helps give you more momentum or something like that.

Yep, you need to let yourself fall forward a little, otherwise the bike will go forward and you won't. Try doing smaller ones at first, then once you've got the technique nailed you'll be able to work on distance.


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