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Akkers New Steed


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I did display, i didn't want to come across as someone im not, that someone being a "Twat".

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Yeah but for a while there I thought the posts were better, maybe it was cos you disappeared for a few months or something.

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Disappeared/got NMC'd? :P In fairness though, the sort of post Biff put in here is probably also to blame for him being put back in NMC...

lol i thought it would be funny, everyone raving about the akkers frame and why its not long low and silver. Kinda suited the argument at the time :P

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thats it, take other frames down to make the bike look better :S bit childish?

anyways, a nice looking frame i think, it would be nicer without the seat and with a bit less standover height. that would float my boat :)

i would still ride it!


i don't need to deride those frames to make this one look better - it does that all itself!

besides, it's not built like that to float YOUR boat - just Chris Akrigg's boat

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iv floated in akriggs boat :lol:

and this topic has got VERY funny (Y)

its like iv said before and i will say again opinions are opinions, its the people that come across as wankers in real life that cant help themselves.

most people are totall different than when they are on here. this bike is no ones BUT Akriggs, Nick Larsen and as someone else has said Matt Tongue helped with the CAD design. etc etc.

So lets all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya!" HAHA :lol:


Nick Larsen may have come across on here, as he SPEAKS HIS MIND thats how he is in person, and hes a good character and knows what he is doing, thats why he is the dude behind charge and such forth, its not as if monkeys can run companys!!!! its takes a bit of sense and a bit of ideas, innovation, nick has brought this to charge and has brought it to Akrigg with a Ti Frame. i just dont see why you should critisize someone for being "snotty" on here when you could read anyone's post in more than 2/3 ways.

Pre-Judice thats what this forum has too much of B) (people are pre-judged over a computer screen) just like when your all sat on msn to**ing off over some girl on webcam, JUST cos she is sat there in her knickers and bra. nick and others on the other hand have work to attend and riding to be done.

i dont care if i come across a knooooooob. cos the people that "really" know me, know me for who i am and what i try to do for trials/companys that i am sponsored and supported by, i give 110% all the time. nothing less

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