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Trials Chavs

Party boy23

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i rode home on friday and the spot outside the co-op was heaving with chavs - young ones, particularly girls.

now, anyone that looks intimidating is going to instantly make me be more defensive, but I'm a decent character judge so I can often tell the jebs from the good 'uns

a chav to me is someone who dresses as we all say they do. But if I knew someone, who dressed like a chav, but didn't behave like a twat, i'd probably say, he looks like a chav but he isn't one.

More importantly, rather than thinking, oh that guy's a chav, i'm more likely to think, that guy's a dickhead... cus here in notts we get LOADS of people who are following this chav trend, but there's still a difference between people who take on the appearance of a trend and people who also take on the (apparent) ideals of the trend, and the second of those is what I'd call a dickhead.

It's a shame to see people are weak-minded enough to follow into some trends, and to then get dragged into behaving like one of them.

Basically, if I see someone behaving as though they think they're IT, then I'll take a dislike to them. If i see someone who's behaving like they think they're just a person and has an idea of their place in the world, I'll take them as that.

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Chavs/yobbos......even i wear traccies now and then..........i know several people who wear traccies addidas shiz who ride they are not chavs.......chavs are the troubble makers who hang in gangs sniffing clue ........


i get classed as a chav and i wear jeans and iron maiden hoodies

some people just walk past a guy and if hes wearing trakies and reebok shizz they just say he's a chave

or something i dont care we are just our own person

its just trends

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yea we have a few here in fareham they don't ride but all say they have echos and koxx xtp 2 lol :S so when i once road my bike to school i goes to them if you ride kick hop for me lol they said OK and road pulled the front brake and when flying :D so yea it goes to show that there every where.

All they give us if grief. yes some chavs can ride trials and can be all right at it but its the ones that don't know how to and say they do...


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what i would say is a chav is some one that tALKS THE LINGER "YEAH BRUV" "what UP" and when they think they are so strong that no one can stand up to them but when some one does they get emabarrased.

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