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Lazy Riding


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evening lads!

ive gone out today and realised that alot of the time when i ride, io feel like i cant snap into moves or put in as much energy as usual when im riding eg if i do a sidehop i dont fully tuck or put in as much energy as i usually do?

its kinda weird, i dont sleep too well, i drink lots and dont always have good meals i think this could be the case,

but also i dont usually warm up or down when i ride?

just wondering asd im trying to have more good days riding then bad.

thankoo darlin! :)

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yea i think that those things could cause the lack of energy

so i'm pretty sure you know the solution yourself...don't drink too much and eat healthier, this might solve the sleeping problem aswell :)

and i always watch some trialsvid before i go for a ride, always gets me pumped :)

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yeah videos are good,

sleep is weird,

i dont sleep and have deep sleeps if you get me, as in iof your fat dad is asleep you cant wake them up too easily, but me if i hear the smallest sound or smallest disturbance im awake in a shot its really weird and i dont feel like ive been aslepp haha crazy.

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evening lads!

ive gone out today and realised that alot of the time when i ride, io feel like i cant snap into moves or put in as much energy as usual when im riding eg if i do a sidehop i dont fully tuck or put in as much energy as i usually do?

its kinda weird, i dont sleep too well, i drink lots and dont always have good meals i think this could be the case,

but also i dont usually warm up or down when i ride?

just wondering asd im trying to have more good days riding then bad.

thankoo darlin! :)

cheers for explaining why im so crap hehe so next time we ride you'll know why. x

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Get a bell alarm clock, or one wiht an annoying beep and set it for 7 o'clock. That'll get you into bed in a week. Or just adjust tyour alarm clock for nie hours sleep, so before you go to bed smash nine hours on and stay in bed until you hear it. After a while you'll get about 9 hours of sleep perfectly........ish

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If you are at school/collage or whatever i find that when i have long holidays, like most of us are now, that i cant be botherd to ride as hard as i normally would. I think i look at it as in the holidays i can ride and do whatever i want but when i am at school/collage i find it more of a privalige to ride as i cant get out much so i make the most of it.

I have only really thought about it during these holidays because, well, i am not riding as well as i normally do, i treat every ride as just a chilled/calm session where as when im at school/collage i am well up for it and hit everything as hard as i can.

I dont know if anyone else feels the same way but that is my very weird oppinion why im riding not so good.

Cheers brett..........

Edited by planet-x-boy
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Hi Craig,

If you have lost your punch and can't sleep it is possible that you are suffering from overtraining, which is a bit of an inaccurate term 'over stress' is more accurate. All of us can only stand a certain level of stress, for any length of time, go over this and some of the most immediate symptoms are lack of enthusiasm, lack of pep (punch, kick, call it what you will) and an inabilitiy to sleep, you might also notice your breathing rate is slightly increased when your not riding and that you perspire more when you are riding.

Riding more than your current level of fitness will sustain is one sure way to over stress yourself, but physical exertion is only one component of the stress level your body considers itself subjected to, other contributors will be mental stress such as work, exams, people etc, another will be whether your quality of nutrition matches your exertion and recovery needs. Heat is also a massive contributor, there is less oxygen in the air and your body has to work much harder to shed the heat generated by working muscles.

In case you think any of this applies to you the best thing to do is leave the bike alone for a week or so, its sometimes amazing how much better you can ride and how much more enjoyable riding is after a week away from the bike.


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thanks for all replys!

i have been on a outdoor course for one week hense the slow reply!

much appreciate all comments but dont understand joes too much :P

will try improve meh sleep and diet and stress levels

cheers! :)


QUOTE(joe b @ Aug 25 2006, 12:10 AM)

Dab of 'phet might do the trick... :P

please explain!

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Don't forget, sometimes you go through through periods where you can't do anything you normally can. Happens to us all (Y) Anyway you don't need to sidehop higher till I've caught you up :P

haha yeah wont be long i guess:)

im trying to work on consitancy atm yah! :D

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Sometimes when your trying to work yourself to your limit it isn't lack of sleep, diet at all. Obviosly that helps a hell of alot.

I'm sure everyone will agree most of it is mental.

I think I only really realised this about 5 months ago whilst pedaling uphill on my downhill bike. Got halfway up and started thinking, "I'm aching now, I'm going to push" but instead I pushed through that barrier and pushed into the burn which I had never really done before because my mind never let me.

The best way I can put this into trials perspective is say your going for a big up, just size it up in your head and then swear alot in your mind, for example "I'm gonna nail this f***in* thing, come on you lump of s***"

Just force yourself that little extra, theres always something lurking in you. Waiting to burst out, its all about harnessing it. Which I think, takes alot of work.

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i think you have to load yourself with energy before you ride,i'm not talking "bloat yourself with food" though.have a sarnie and a choccy bar.i have maybe a normal bowl of cereal and a protein bar beforehand thats packed with creatine too.during a ride i'll drink upto 3 litres of water/juice/suger preferably all 3 mixed up then i'll have another protein bar.the bars help you recover fast and speeds your muscles warming up when you've sat still for a bit.the diet plays a big part before,during and after.

the rest is down to confidence.i don't ride big things or tech lines but i try to really commit to them and not give up on them.sometimes this doesn't work because i'm hurt or the line i try may just be out of my skill level.my confidence is well half hearted but i've had a lot of really good advice and help lately which is slowly turning that round.

its a really big mind game in your head i think.if you put your mind to something its possible.

hope any of this helps :)


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Well for starters trials is all in the mind, so lack of sleep can cause big problems, because a human should have 6 hours sleep minimum for it to function propaly.

A good example is me riding today, i had about 7 hours sleep last night and then i went out riding, all i had to eat was a chocolate bar before i went out riding. So anyway i was there trying one of my biggest sidehops ever, i was putting that much energy and effort into it that after one of the attemps my nose bled, which i think was to much stress and anger trying to do the sidehop, then the time i eventually got it was when just before the sidehop (this sounds very very stupid i know), i thought to my self "right im damon watson......im damon watson" and for some very strange reason it worked.

Another thing is with trials is that comitment plays a big part, so the way i see it is.....if you dont comit to the move you are not going to make it. (Y)


p.s - "phet" would not help out in anyway, you would have no control or balance over the bike and you would feel terrably sick once you have finished riding and have sat down for a while.

Trust me, ive treid doing it and it doesnt work nicely.

Edited by Danny Kearns
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I'm always reluctant to go out riding in the morning until I have a good wank.

As far as the topic goes, I don't believe that eating properly will make you have more power. However it is advisable to have a good hot breakfast, ie. some sausages, eggs, beans. I always eat lots of chocolate and drink lots before I ride.

Stop riding for one day. A rest can only do you good.

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I'm always reluctant to go out riding in the morning until I have a good wank.

As far as the topic goes, I don't believe that eating properly will make you have more power. However it is advisable to have a good hot breakfast, ie. some sausages, eggs, beans. I always eat lots of chocolate and drink lots before I ride.

Stop riding for one day. A rest can only do you good.



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