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Magura Hs11's

Saracen Kid

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The only difference between the HS33 and the HS11 is the lever, so if you bought the HS11 and changed the lever, you would just have an HS33, so you might as well get the HS33, unless you're gunna get a RB lever strait away or something. The lever body is different too, so you couldnt just change the blade, you'd have to change the whole lever.

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HS11 are different at the handlebar end - they have a resin (read plastic) housing - in most cases the lever is metal - but it can be resin as well i think. You get a little extra flex at the lever with the HS11 as the resin flexes- but its only a little. If they are fitted on a bike already, its ok - the function is still better than V brakes or crap discs - and you can upgrade quite easily with a new cylinder, and the better lever shape of the HS33.

If you are buying them as parts though - its not much extra for the HS33, i'd stretch to those every time.

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