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Musical Instramunts

Saracen Kid

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Yeah my main instrument is Guitar

ive been brought up with it all my life

and been on and off it.

im playing properly now since i was 12

getting rather good

i own:

Bc Rich Warlock Tribal


A Jackson.

Im a metal head as you may be able to tell.

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I play the drums and ive been playing for 4 years now im grade 5 and i learn off the kevin edwards book.

heres my setup on what i play:

cb drums sp series (black)

12"Tom tom with remo pinstripe skin

16"Floor tom with remo pinstripe skin

22"Bass drum with cb logo on front skin and remo pinstripe skin

14"Snare drum with remo ambassoder skin

14"Paiste 302 hi-hat cymbal's

16"Paiste 302 crash cymbal

18"Paiste 302 crash/ride cymbal

20"Paiste 302 ride cymbal

CB Bass drum pedal

CB Stool

And my sticks that i use are ahead lars ulrich edition 5a series.

Cheers Andy

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Piano oddly and drums, still play for Kriansacrual when i go home to Bristol and have played with |Sciztom here in Plymouth till they split. Wheni was st school i played in my English teachers band....Subrosa. Oh they were the day at the Louisianer

Edited by Wright Pads
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Guitar for 18 years ish, I like to think I'm pretty good at what I do...and crap at everything else :P Thrash/death metal is my thing.

Gear is thus:

Jackson Performer PS2

Jackson EX something or other, forget off top o' my head

Jackson Warrior XT (the only unhijacked-by-nu-metal-bands spiky guitar left)

remains of an Ibanez RG270DX (cannibalised)

Marshall 100V Valvestate head (one of the first ones, before they started sounding shit. I don't use it much because the power stage is on it's way out has a bad habit of giving off a mofo'ing DC hum when it's turned on.)

Rack rig consisting of:

- Korg DTRsummatorother[1000?] tuner

- Marshall 9001 preamp (x2 - it's a dual rig for both guitarists)

- cheapass Phonic graphic EQ

- Behringer DEQ 2496 EQ/compressor/gate/does the washing up

- Behringer DSP2024 effects

- Soundtech 1U power amp

- Behringer FCB1010 pedalboard

- Marshall 1960A cab

The rig sounds spot on for metal. I urge all metalheads to get a decent EQ, a 9001, and a SOLID STATE power amp, and find out for themselves how overpriced every valve head on the market is. £3000 for a shit muddy sound? Sod that, I'll spend £500 and kick your ass thankyouverymuch.

Pic is crap and old - rack has changed since then, but it's the best I can do until my ass gets back into the studio with a camera.

Notice most of my rig is cheap PA gear. Learn from this peeps.

IPB Image

I also claim to play drums once in a while and own an old Pearl Export kit with some shoddy unbranded bits of yellow circular metal to go with it. Our drummer tends to use his own Sabian stuff for some unfathomable reason...he's got a set of Iron Cobra pedals and a right old selection of Sabian cymbals. Oh and the world's loudest ride - a Mega Bell.

For anyone who gives a toss, the band's website is http://endlesstorment.tk - it's well out of date, but hey, doesn't make us any crapper ;) There's also a link to my studio's site from there. Gimme a shout if you're metal and you want to record.

For anyone who cares about studio gear, there's a list on my site.

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When i saw jez' picture i thought nothing of his hair. I was wondering how many cans of iron bru i could find in the picture :-

For all you drummers out there, could you tell me how you learnt? and whats a decent drum set for a person with a limited budget.

If i get into this my parents will hate me. YAY!

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