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My Spray Job


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Any black spray paint for a car is ok???

~Matty :-

If you want to do it properly, you'll want more than just a can of paint.

First you want to strip the frame down to bare metal, sand it down, and the Nitromors it to get all the old paint off. Rinse the rest of the Nitromors off with some warm soapy water.

Make sure you've got the BB threads and headtube covered, and all brake mounts. I used blu-tack for the mounts, and BB threads, then card for the headtube.

Then you'll want some primer. Spray a few coats of that on, then leave it for a round 12hrs to dry. Get some wet and dry sandpaper to roughen up the surface for the main coat.

Get the colour you want, then spray one even coat all over, let that dry for an hour, apply another coat, let it dry, etc.

Let that properly dry for 24hrs, then apply the lacquer.

Completely coat the frame in the stuff, make sure it's all even. Usually, lacquer is supposed to take 3weeks to fully dry, but I left mine for a day, then built it back up. :P

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I know I've said it before, but please don't ride with those forks! They are dangerous! Aluminium fails suddenly, at unexpected times, it could be when your riding home on the road at like 15mph with a car behind you for all you know, or any other time, not just when you impact the forks, it could just be a bump in the path or something. Front teeth are nice things to have, try and hang onto yours!

Anyway, yeah, paint looks good. You can paint things with just the paint, but with light colours the colour below might show easily without primer, and gloss finishes wont be very glossy without lacquer, and the paint wont be quite as tough. You do always have to sand down the old finish though, or the paint wont stick properly.

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