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Likes And Disslikes

trials boi 06

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i like all of the custom things on mine

like all the bodges that i've done.

it makes it unique.

rather than a brand new bike with brand new bits on.

also like the fact that my bikes the outcome of the x-ray i got in 04. i built it up to what it is today. new parts and all that. and all the custom stuff i've made for it ???


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Bought it 2nd hand (onza t-rex spec 2)

came with spec 2 including echo control fork.

Ive put front disc, diff stem, hope xc ti rear hub, new chain, middleburn cranks, a grind, diff front wheel, new pads, new bb, pedals, and got locks and pump etc.

Key: How much i spent (what the rrp is without discounts etc)

Bike 200 (550 new)

Hub 50 (120rrp)

Wheel, disc grips 10 minus front hs33 (15+40+6-35=26rrp)

Pads 18

Pedals 21 (25rrp)

Chain 5.50 (16rrp)

Cranks 100 (138rrp)

BB 30 (35rrp)

Locks+stuff 65 (75rrp)

Total= 481

(total= 1003)

saving of = 552


so what else do i like about it? well it works for me ive improved by 300% in the past moneth (since i owned it) couldnt do any trials moves before on a merlin (old skool trials). basically the bike gives me confidence to try and do stuff i couldnt do before!

Edited by stug45
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The only things I don't like about my T-PRO are the amazing ACS Claw freewheel comes loose all the time, so I'm going to weld that when I have it off to put on my new cranks, and I don't like the cranks that are on it, because they are knackered and keep coming loose because the taper is shot.

The moral of the story is, don't let your cranks come loose, allways keep them as tight as you can! (Top-Tip: Stand on the allen key while the bike is leant against a wall and jump about a bit!)

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I completely hate my mod because i have threaded the mounts on the right side of my frame (N) And have threaded the crank on my stock (where the pedal screws in) so i can't ride that now either :D so i just make do with my chucker..and horses of course...I hate bikes sooooo much.

zoo baby!

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i recently baught a new GU Typhoon i absolutely love it to bits it rides amazing the brakes are spot on and everything is great. The only thing i disslike about the bike is that when i sidehop i hit my ankle on the rear brake as the bottom bracket is quite high, but i am currently changing my style to get around this problem!

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