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Hi Some Smallish Questions


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Hi, welcolm to the world of trials, Personanly i think 20" is easier to learn on because as they are smaller they are easier to monuevor during tricks & i find watching trials dvd's are very helpful as you can watch exacly how they do the trick and the option of slow mo is good. I recomend watching ryan leech Mastering the art of trials (Y)

Edited by powerz
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The best way to learn is to hook up with your local group of riders and observe and learn , we're a very welcoming bunch . Vidoes can help to get an idea of the stances and body positioning needed for certain moves .

thnx for your help i dont know if there are any riders around my area that i have seen there is none :(

for your height get a 20". then try a 26" when you have progressed into trials. and then decide which you preferred then pick from there which way you want to go from there!

thnx 4 your help i shall try to find which is better

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Personally, i think that 20" are easier to learn on, they're easy to move around on, and compared to my 26", alot lighter.

Most of my mates ride 20 but i ride 26 i have never owned a 20 i started on a 26, i go on my mates 20s all the time and i would not say they are easier really :) but i am 6ft 1 so i find a 26 just as easy have a go on a 20 and a 26 see what you fell more comfy on.

Also my pitbull is lighter than all my mates 20 even they say it.

do you know any one that has a trials bike, if you do ask them for ago.

good luck


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Yes its so you can have the free wheel at the front but be careful they eat your jeans ha ha.

thnx i thought they when i was watchin some vids on u tube lol

Most of my mates ride 20 but i ride 26 i have never owned a 20 i started on a 26, i go on my mates 20s all the time and i would not say they are easier really :) but i am 6ft 1 so i find a 26 just as easy have a go on a 20 and a 26 see what you fell more comfy on.

Also my pitbull is lighter than all my mates 20 even they say it.

do you know any one that has a trials bike, if you do ask them for ago.

good luck


okey dokey theres just 2 people i know with trials bikes

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thnx i shall do that lol B)

is there fixed rear wheels on most of the bikes people use ? :ermm::unsure:

This is certainly the case. I would not 'recommend' using a fixed wheel with a freewheel at the front. I have had to cut several freinds' jeans apart as a result of them getting trapped in my freewheel. :$

However, it is easy to overcome this problem by... tucking your trousers into socks ( it isn't that 'goony'). I would rather look slightly wierd than have to cut a good pair of jeans.

Hope this helps,


Edited by steve1rc
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This is certainly the case. I would not 'recommend' using a fixed wheel with a freewheel at the front. I have had to cut several freinds' jeans apart as a result of them getting trapped in my freewheel. :$

However, it is easy to overcome this problem by... tucking your trousers into socks ( it isn't that 'goony'). I would rather look slightly wierd than have to cut a good pair of jeans.

Hope this helps,


it will do

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I started trial's on a mod and love it.I think it suit's me very well.But however,I had a go on a freind's stock (nickyw) and seriously want a stock.But I would recommend having a mod to start on.Most people were I live ride mod and started out on mod's. (Y) Best thing to do though,Is go on a ride and ask for a go on various bike's and see which one suit's you best.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i find that 20 are easyer to learn on (specilly for your size) i go on my mates onza limey 26 it feels very long and realy hard for me to ride hope this helps


you proberbly find it hard on a 26 because you have rode 20 for a while so it will fell different, i ride 26 and a 20 feels strange and uncumfy. Defiantly get a 26 you will feel much more cumfy on it, also about learning i would recommend going on you tube and typing in ryan leech it will show all his clips of how to do tricks or go on my website www.freewebs.com/westsussextrials and go to the how to section it is a link to a how to website i forgotten the actual website so just go through it through mine it in trashzen or something similar.

Hope it helps


Edited by dan the trials man
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