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I Need A New 24inch Frame?


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Hey im looking for a new 24inch frame, but i dont no what to get, im using an Onza Zoot and the moment and i can only find 3 other frames they are:

[topic=http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/content/24UK/black24UK.jpg]frame 1

[topic=http://www.leesonbikes.co.uk/609.html#]frame 2

[topic=http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=25680]Frame 3

but im not sure which one to get, can you help me, do you know any other 24inch frames??



Edited by JohnyTrials
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Why do you want to change?

And the zoot is the only "trialsy"24 inch out.

Other than this new bt thing but yea....

I say go for the heatsink.

Look loverly.

Spesh fred's white one.

hey cheers but the zoot is nice, but im wonting something a bit longer, and i might go for the heatsink!!!



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cheers mate, what kind of stem should i go for then???

what stem are you running now? still standard?

on my zoot, i run a 90x15 thompson stem, and azonic dw 2.5 bars, its lush, feels awesome for just about everything, that was with 1inch of stackers on the standard zoot forks, now i have pure forks and have no stackers (long forks), still feels awesome

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Other than custom, Zoots are about as long as 24" goes I'm afraid.

My Iolo is 1040, and simply its perfect for me! You can do anything on it, the last couple of days I've been using it for loads of proper BMX style street and park, haha, yet I can still gap and up it as nicely as mates Ashton and echo. I'm running a tiny 65mm*10deg stem with a 2" rise easton bar and I love it. I love the short stem as well, combined with a quite long frame (for a 24") it lets me do trials'y stuff and it still is nice at speed/street.

Oh yeah, if you're not already, a high rise bar would be nice aswell (2"+), and lent forwalds slightly it will add a bit of length.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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