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What Do U Perfer My Dad Says A 26 Is Better But No!


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This is a pointless argument, i've seen amazing stuff done on both stocks and mods so no one person can really say. Personally i ride both 20" and 26" and feel they compliment each other. Thats my opinion, doesn't mean i'm right though like some people think they are. Just ride what you want and get on with it. It doesn't really matter aslong as you like it. Hope this helps.

Ben g WST

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I have a 20" and love it but I had a go on a 26" at the weekend and liked the feel of it when you were on the back tier.So i would say it depends what your going to do on.If your just going to ride street then get a 20" or a 24"and if your going to do comps go for a 26" or a realy good 20".Its realy up to you and what you feal comfortable on.


Edited by sam-cahill
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"Stock ***. Mods are just made for kids just starting out." ignore this ridiculous comment, cesar canas is not a kid justing stating out in my eyes, neither are benito, dani comas or marco hosel. They are some of the most incredible riders out there.

I would say if you are a little on the short side then go with mod if u are tall and like the idea of riding stock then go for it.

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Depends what you like... if you're into the sidehopping stuff, then I guess a mod would be great. You can ride like beast on a mod, but don't expect to have much style, shoving your bike around is nice, but I have much more respect for stock riders since you can't just put your bike where you want. Mods look like alot of fun to ride but I don't find the riding is verry nice, stock riding is much more elegant, more flow.

Damn I sound like a gay correograph sometimes...

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Rode a mod for 5 years, and a stock for half a year now. Personally I think stock bikes feel much much better. You will probably benefit from a 20" bike if you have the right style and technique, I certainly didn't and that's why I hardly progressed throughout the last 2 years of riding a mod. It's really your choice, I don't want to go around saying mods are for kids because I don't like them - that's no argument. They're just different and that's a good thing, it certainly makes the sport more interesting.

I'd say natural on a mod is easier but then that's just a guess, haven't ridden any rocks on my stock yet.

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Again it's not a valid argument. Ride what you want and just get on with it. Who cares if you ride a stock or mod. The important thing is that your riding.

Ben g WST

P.s mods aren't made just for kids who are starting out, anyone who thinks that doesn't know much about trials.

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Complete reverse for me! swapped for a 1080 contorl to a short GU....... ive taken 4 months off and coming back onto my bike after 4 months off and getting up walls i wouldnt have dreamed up getting up on my stock! bunnyhopping fun!!! and i cant tap my mod and spin and have a lot more fun! really supprising its soooo mint! loving the change!

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Complete reverse for me! swapped for a 1080 contorl to a short GU....... ive taken 4 months off and coming back onto my bike after 4 months off and getting up walls i wouldnt have dreamed up getting up on my stock! bunnyhopping fun!!! and i cant tap my mod and spin and have a lot more fun! really supprising its soooo mint! loving the change!

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