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Have You Ever Been Insulted While On Your Bike


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im always called a show off by little kids in my sisters school bu i dont care

they always try to do shizz to you like kicking your wheels cos they're bright green. Whats the point? im twice the size of you? then you get off your steed, they try to hit you, you push them away and then get an earfull from their mum because your going to hurt little jimmy.


people cant help but abuse us because we have r-tard bikes and can use them as they are meant to be used


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well, i got called a "terrorist" when hopping up a 2 foot wall!! i get called a show off when i wait on my back wheel waiting for an old woman to walk past the gap im about to do, and i get "EMO" or "W*NKER" shouted at me nearly all the time. i just ignore them!!!!

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jaime pedrosa takes the win

got called a 'f**kin fat bas***d' by a policeman, in a car, who promptly sped away.

anyways, as new members, wait til you've been riding about 10years like some of the members on t-f, and you won't even notice people shouting at you anymore!

oh, almost forgot, me and salty were 'attacked' by a 90 year old war veteran whilst sat on our bikes having a rest at gala bingo. no provocation, just parked next to us, got out, grabbed salty by the shirt and punched him in the head! then he went for me as well! got it on camera too, which was lucky, because he had the police come down accusing us of attacking him! was funny, because the police gave him a right bo****king and asked if we wanted to press charges. we graciously declined, but made them aware that it'd be totally different if we didn't have video evidence. they would have just treated us as your average young white trouble makers, and we'd probably have gone down for assault, having done absolutely sod all!


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I think it goes without saying that all trials bikers will have been shouted at at some time or another.

The worst thats happened to me was when some old guy whacked my spokes with his walking stick :huh: . Sometimes you can't help but feel sorry for such ignorant people.

Edited by ted
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jaime pedrosa takes the win

got called a 'f**kin fat bas***d' by a policeman, in a car, who promptly sped away.

anyways, as new members, wait til you've been riding about 10years like some of the members on t-f, and you won't even notice people shouting at you anymore!

nah, prawnwas not happy, the fanny walked into him after he had fallen off, making out that prawn had landed on him, took nicks photo and f**ked off, then later nick saw him again and really politely asked why? and then the willy just started having ago at him, nick listened, and then he just ignored what prawn had said and continued walking, I seriously thought nick was going to loose it

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Now & Then.

You get groups of chav's that call you a show off and if you awnser back you get the insults. (As they 50 yards down the road!) - So going to kidnap and torture one of those little peasants! <_<

Funnier insults: A old lady said i shouldnt be riding on some wall about 7-8ft up (going to drop off) and she said "You shouldn't be up there its dangerous"... Helllooo!!

And also some drunk old boy after i back wheel'd something said "Whooaahh! How'd you do that with out a seat?"

I hate chav's... <_<

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Well someone rid over monks wheel the other week and while doing a drop gap a middle age man

PARKED RIGHT UNDER US and blatantly said land on my car, ill break your neck.

Thanks for listening Rick

if that was me, i would have deliberately dropped super smooth onto it, so to cause no damage whatsoever and still piss him off

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I got called a t****r because i had my brakes tared and want through the middle of my local town warming the tar up lol.

When some insult me for nothing i threaten them with a rear wheel wrapped round there head lol.


Edited by adam trials
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Well I wouldnt call this an insult but it is pretty annoying how you get people saying your missing another wheel.

Or you get the chavs who say your missing a whee you little F*****g pr**k then you say something back and get so is your mum all the time.

But its a sport we all love so keep going and ignore them.

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hello, well were do i start .I think it was the other week i was messing around on this gap and i kicked to the wall and i saw this man walking past me, and then all i saw was a little kid run out in front of me .So i droped my front end then the man came up to me and said that if i landed on his kid then i was gonna my F*****g face kicked in by him , and i was thinking how was that my falt when the little boy was about 7metres in front of him .But i got over it dan

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