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New Frame..

Lee Cable

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Righteo, Everyone who has a ride on my beast, moans and says it feels gay. I think that it may be the reason im still overly shit. So basically Im after a new frame.

Im liking the Idea of a low and silver, but im not sure about long. I rode davids typhoon and didnt really like it, felt wayyyy to long. So basically recommend me? Pro's and con's?


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Ashton or short Control all the way if you don't want long. Whats the geo on your Megamo?

Maybe a 07 Pitbull looking at the Geo, although I've never ridden one properly.

Edit: forgot to say a short pitbull.

Edited by Dont you Just Hate it When...
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Thats the thing, im not really sure on the geo of my megamo, i know its sortish, like 1020-1035 somewhere in there,

Got a tape measure? haha.

Might be worth really thinking about geo. Just Measure up your frame and knowing the measurements you can pick at the faults and see what difference effects in geo on other bikes makes. That way you might come to understand what frame will suit you best, rather than just following other people advice.

I designed my Iolos geo myself by just looking at other bikes and seeing what I liked about them, then just taking the best bits. I think its turned out really well, and most people seem to agree.

The more thought you put into geo, the less likely you are to pick a frame you don't get along with and loose half your money selling it on.

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Righteo, Everyone who has a ride on my beast, moans and says it feels gay. I think that it may be the reason im still overly shit. So basically Im after a new frame.

Im liking the Idea of a low and silver, but im not sure about long. I rode davids typhoon and didnt really like it, felt wayyyy to long. So basically recommend me? Pro's and con's?


cheeky bugger i have a zoo pitbull and why dont you look into the short echo control mate lol


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Righteo, Everyone who has a ride on my beast, moans and says it feels gay. I think that it may be the reason im still overly shit. So basically Im after a new frame.

Im liking the Idea of a low and silver, but im not sure about long. I rode davids typhoon and didnt really like it, felt wayyyy to long. So basically recommend me? Pro's and con's?





that megamo rides really nicely, i regret selling the thing :o

the megamos fine, loads of decent riders had them when they were available, and its totally fine for you, you say you wanna do street and this frames lush for it!

maybe try some different bars/play with the positioning, it can transform a bike (like when i ran a short stem and lower rise bars on my zoot-she felt so wrong) maybe try some azonic 2.5 rise doublewalls, 25quid on crc (sale), and will make your bike handle the shiz ;) also, the pure forks are slightly longer than a standard trials fork, ive noticed on my zoot, that the steering is slightly sloppier cos the headangles now wrong-perhaps try some different forks?

also don't forget, when learning to ride (well, same with more experienced riders), you get sudden bursts of being awesome, then a period where you don't progress much at all, it always happens, and it wont be long before you improve alot again, when the weather gets a tad dryer, it'll inspire a bit more confidence in what you are riding on-also is your leg up to full stength yet since breaking it? if not...that will make shitloads of difference

if you do insist on getting a new frame....base ta26, levelboss short (or the yabba equivalent), or if you feel particularly rich, the latest ashton-infact i know you would like that!

its a fact that bikes ride 10x better after a respray, so perhaps try that :P

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that megamo rides really nicely, i regret selling the thing :o

the megamos fine, loads of decent riders had them when they were available, and its totally fine for you, you say you wanna do street and this frames lush for it!

maybe try some different bars/play with the positioning, it can transform a bike (like when i ran a short stem and lower rise bars on my zoot-she felt so wrong) maybe try some azonic 2.5 rise doublewalls, 25quid on crc (sale), and will make your bike handle the shiz ;) also, the pure forks are slightly longer than a standard trials fork, ive noticed on my zoot, that the steering is slightly sloppier cos the headangles now wrong-perhaps try some different forks?

also don't forget, when learning to ride (well, same with more experienced riders), you get sudden bursts of being awesome, then a period where you don't progress much at all, it always happens, and it wont be long before you improve alot again, when the weather gets a tad dryer, it'll inspire a bit more confidence in what you are riding on-also is your leg up to full stength yet since breaking it? if not...that will make shitloads of difference

if you do insist on getting a new frame....base ta26, levelboss short (or the yabba equivalent), or if you feel particularly rich, the latest ashton-infact i know you would like that!

its a fact that bikes ride 10x better after a respray, so perhaps try that :P

Hmm, Right, lemme answer these..

Bars - ive tried that, And i have to have them forwards, because its wayyy to short.

Forks, I dont have any I can try?

I like the look of a levelboss, and the newest ashton, so i may have to find someone's who I can have a ride on, before i purchase one. No way, am i ever respraying my megamo..EVER..

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