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Ymsa New/first Time Riders


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I am starting to help me dad with YMSA his club so if there are any new riders out there that want any info post here and i will try and help ie..



Why do comps..........

Ask away as he wants new riders this year and if you want to do a comp for the first time but lets say your mate has not got a bike and you want to come together then YMSA now have some new 20" loan bikes


Ashley B

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hey, i would like to try comps this year but i haven't been riding long but I can do all the basics; pedal hops, small side hops etc. i will more than likely be coming on my own as well. i ride a T-Rex singlespeed also is this a okay or will i have to put my gears back on to ride?


Jonny (Y)

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hey, i would like to try comps this year but i haven't been riding long but I can do all the basics; pedal hops, small side hops etc. i will more than likely be coming on my own as well. i ride a T-Rex singlespeed also is this a okay or will i have to put my gears back on to ride?


Jonny (Y)

it's under a uci format so single speed is fine, what most run actually. Do the novie route and enjoy yourself! You should do just fine :)

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hey ash, i believe there's gona be elite (yellow) and seeded elite (black)? Just how hard is the elite-size of rocks etc?? I'm not sure if i'll be up to it. I did biu worlds senior in 05 on 20" but had 06 off now back again but on the 26".

I think it better to start on the red route 26 expert class


Alright, How much is it to borrow a bike. Might consider it :)



Hi there it is free to loan a bike but you have to pay to enter, but we will give a free day membership on the first time you ride, after that you will need to become a member you can ask to loan a bike for a number of times as long as there is not someone new wanting to try if you understand.


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Been thinking about going to a comp for a while with a couple of mates from my home town.

I've been riding a year or 2, not a great rider but ok, got gaps to front and all that business. But anyway if you have never ridden a comp before can you just turn up and ride higher than novice runs or just go on the novice run?

What about paper work wise?

Do you have to be a member?

Cheers, hope you can help.


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I am wanting to start compitions

I dont want to come to every one

just the ones that are posible for

me to get to. Can you let me know

how much meberships are and if it

is posible for me to get a form.

Please help me with this,

wanted to know for a while

but didn't know who to ask,

Thanks Alot Lewis, :turned:

Edited by LewMadden
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Been thinking about going to a comp for a while with a couple of mates from my home town.

I've been riding a year or 2, not a great rider but ok, got gaps to front and all that business. But anyway if you have never ridden a comp before can you just turn up and ride higher than novice runs or just go on the novice run?

What about paper work wise?

Do you have to be a member?

Cheers, hope you can help.


give terry graves a ring, and come to some of the hampshire trials rounds, you could even just turn up pn the 4th at hut hill to watch, i think its abit late for entrys though

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hi. i was just wondering that if me and a friend wanted to come and watch is there any point in taking our bikes. like is there gaps between the compitition where you can muck around on the stuff? and can you loan the bikes if your not doing the compition because im trying to get my friend into trials and its prooving difficult lol. thanks

hi. i was just wondering that if me and a friend wanted to come and watch is there any point in taking our bikes. like is there gaps between the compitition where you can muck around on the stuff? and can you loan the bikes if your not doing the compition because im trying to get my friend into trials and its prooving difficult lol. thanks

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Loan Bikes are for the comp only sorry to say insurance and all that you understand

As for watching with your bikes that will be ok i think as lots of folk watch and some ride between sections, but you can not ride in the sections on the day, its a naterual venue so lots to ride on anyway.

Remember you can ride and your mate ride also in the comp on a loan bike this is the best way to have all the fun..

Ash B

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Hi Ashley, really glad you posted this, as im wanting to start YMSA this year. I have the form ready but it asks for a YMSA license number? do i just bring the form with me on the day followed by Membership fee? and when i get my license i just write it down and will this entitle me to enter comps throughout the year etc, or is there a fee everytime i want to enter the comp even with membership.

Also are riding specific riding shoes required, or can we just where our normal shoes lol.

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