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Best Crash?


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Go here: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/arv and download ARV05 the first crash is one of my favourites.

now that is a realy good crash lol

Worst was when i bought a ramp for argos i went over it quite fast on my BMX,

i went over my handle bars smashed my front tooth, broke my left arm in to places lol


lol i have them rubbish argos ramps lol it's sounds painfull

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Go here: http://tv.isg.si/site/filebrowser/arv and download ARV05 the first crash is one of my favourites.

Lol that look funny but i bet it hurt.

Found this... harsh... but funny! :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DmYWrTXWrs...ted&search=


Seen that many times but it still makes me laugh.

my like 3rd ever drop

Ouch! Did you land on your balls?

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MINE! 1 HOUR AGO STILL HURTS NOW :sick: learning how to sidehop i sidehopped a wall and my rear tire slipped off and i landed bum cheek first on the wall (N) but was the first sidehop i have ever done so quite chuffed because i can sidehop 26 inches now (Y) but its about the first time i have hurt my self so can't complane but at least i did ican sidehop now :lol:

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Found this... harsh... but funny! :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DmYWrTXWrs...ted&search=


That's from five years ago still got it on my computer, still funny now!

My best crash was down a long set of steps doing some street, knocked myself out and didn't know what day of the week it was. Cut and swollen side of face, had an interview the next day! Can't feel a tooth still either..

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I had a wee crash on my jump bike a couple of weeks ago. Heres what apparently happened, i don't remember anything after the forks bottomed out , next memory is of being sat on a picnic bench with a paramedic checking me over.

I've copied and pasted this post from another forum as i've not a clue what happened!

Big shout out to Pete who binned it pretty hard on the 4X up at chick this weekend, knocking himself out for a bit and shattering his collarbone!

Here's how it was from my perspective:

Off of the start ramp, made a good start was level over the first 2 jumps, Pete got past over the table (are you clearing that buddy?) then soaked up the compression bump before the next table still on his wheel. next I see him come up short and case his front wheel on the knuckle and hurl straight over the bars landing pretty much face first into the flat from about 10 feet! I was shouting rider down before I had even stopped my bike! Knew it wasn't good when he didn't get up straight away and when I called him.

Ditched the bike down and he was making that proper bad sound as you do when you have winded yourself.

His full face (which undoubtedly saved the day, a lesson to us all - but it will need replacing now, sorry dude!) was digging into his chest so i moved it up to help his airflow (after checking for spinal injuries)

He then came round and with the help of one of the chick dudes and D and nick who were now on the scene we got him an ambulance and made an inpromptu sling from a hoody.

It's not nice seeing one of your buddys go down like that and brings home the fact that mountain biking can be dangerous, so find out a bit about first aid people!

Pete let us know how you are fella, we almost had to road trip your car back to your place!!

see you on the forum loads more now though eh?

2 more weeks min before i can get back on a bike :( A month + until any trials!


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