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Criminal Damage!?


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My mate was doing some very fast acelerating due to a very short runup, and he chain snapped, as this happend, a police car pulled up. My mate said, "My chain just snapped" they said...

..."You should check for chain wear".

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My local spot is basically on the doorstep of the police station, and they never say much to us, just old people telling us to stop what we are doing! Old people! They annoy me more than the police do! But never mind, as long as the police aren't giving us ASBO's and fines, i'm not really that bothered.

(Y) Joe

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I was standing by some benches some weeks back chatting to my friends drinking a pint with my bike by my side when a cop comes up to me.

Police officer "its against the law to ride your bike on the pavement"

Me "I'm not"

Police officer " I’m just telling you so you know"

Me "urgh"

And he walks away, had he turned around he would have seen my friend on a mod clearing a rail gap :)

The moral of the story is, cops are filth.

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Once i put my front wheel on a sign which they namt the roads with it was pretty low before you say, anyway and i was going to wheel swap it and then some guy come sprinting out of this building saying 'im the manager of the concil bla bla bla, i payed for these....' so we said actually thats what taxes go towards stuff like that n he started giving us more so we just rode off lol. Was quite funny (Y) Some police around here would do anything to get us locked up but a few are sound (Y)

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well yeah i was riding sheffield on saturday... and me, mike, biff and reinold was talking. and then the police just grabbed us 4 while everyone else riden away. and they were making out it was just us 4 that did all the damage lol. but were was the unlucky ones


I got a way wahhhhhh :P anyway that was a bit unreasonable wheh it was clearly a lot more than you four (N)

Edited by clarkytrials
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What you complaining about you caused damage, street trials is crimnal damage. Being put in a cell is alittle harsh and being stopped for riding on pavement, but if you break something then be prepaired to be done for it and face the conciquenses. Bench are made for the public to sit on remember not riding on, so if your not prepaired to take the consiquences dont ride. And obviously next time make sure theres no coppers.

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Some of the stories I've been reading on the forum about hassle from Police and Community Officers sound pretty crazy. I live in Scotland, and we don't have community Officers (what is their actual role?!) and Police presence on the streets is fairly low. I've only ever had something like four encounters with the Police in my whole time riding, and they've had a pretty relaxed attitude toward me; its simply been a case of being told to move on. The whole "Community Officer" and £30 fine for riding on a pavement sounds pretty heavyhanded; it seems a bit 1984 South of the border from what I can see...

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