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7.7.2005 London Bombings Conspiracy Video


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Its 2005 by the way... Will watch it in the morning but meh considering I'm trying to join the Met Police and hopefully from there the London Fire Brigade don't think I can really say much against the Government seeming as I'd kinda be working for em :S haha

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thats just wrong

Aint watched the whole video yet... and probs wont understand it fully...

But id like to say, the government cant tell everyone the true stories about things like this... put it this way... if there was aliens on our planet, and the government knew about it, they wouldnt tell a single soul about it... they wouldnt want it leaking to the public, because there would be so much havoc ect it would be unbeleivable...

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Not watched it yet, but as with 9/11, Diana bumped of by the firm and all the other conspiracy theories... Intelligence agengies are there to protect national interests, if that means stopping a member of royalty marrying a blooming arab or stopping a tyrant develop nuclear arms then thats fine by me. We don't know the facts of the way these things really develop, or how they are going to, this is what intelligence agencies are for, who then act on it. If they didn't you'd see a whole different change in the way we lived. If they find out someones doing something they should be and can't release it, they need to make plausible reasons up that theyre able to release to the public.

People might see that as selfish on the part of the US and UK and other large countries, but these are countries which the worlds economy relies on the stability of, so if we descend into chaos and grind to a halt, so does everywhere else.

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Its 2005 by the way... Will watch it in the morning but meh considering I'm trying to join the Met Police and hopefully from there the London Fire Brigade don't think I can really say much against the Government seeming as I'd kinda be working for em :S haha

oops I accidentally hit the 2 and not the 5.

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I am very much open minded to cospiracy theorys, but I want the last 25minutes back, that was the worst put forwalds and least covincing thing I've ever seen! All it did was tell you that there wasnt any proof that was absolutly 100 percent cirtain beyond doubt. Well done, no shit, nothings ever 100% really, and wheres the evidence for what they say, all they say is that what the government say is not definatly right? well done, big whoop, its not definatly wrong either?

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I am very much open minded to cospiracy theorys, but I want the last 25minutes back, that was the worst put forwalds and least covincing thing I've ever seen! All it did was tell you that there wasnt any proof that was absolutly 100 percent cirtain beyond doubt. Well done, no shit, nothings ever 100% really, and wheres the evidence for what they say, all they say is that what the government say is not definatly right? well done, big whoop, its not definatly wrong either?

I kind of agree, looking at the 9/11 conspiracy i made in this topic, the vid actually shows alot of physical evidence.

Also, they keep going on about the CCTV footage not being show, therefor there MUST be something odd about it. There are laws which say it can't be released due to the publics privacy.

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its very interesting, On one hand I think you would be able to find a conspiricy in absolutly any subject you wanted to, It is confusing why no mainstream media have looked further into the story and why they wont release any more stills/footage from the cctv?

The most worrying part for me are those new laws passed to do with inqureys - surely thats just stupid :/

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What a pants video, they've shown no real evidence, other than 'ooh no, in a matter of national security in which the security services are involved, they've not released any evidence' - well big f**king surprise. Theres no breaking news, no breaking facts, just a load of skepticism about new policies and 'Tony blair went on holiday before the security clampdown'.

They also go rambling on about 'MI5 blah blah blah' while showing images of Vauxhall Cross - the MI6 HQ, err... Duh!

Poor show IMO.

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Yeah, it really was pretty rubbish. The only thing it pointed out that is true, is the way that our lives are becoming a lot more like a real life 1984. But to be honest, that should be pretty obvious to anyone who's had there eyes open in the last 5 years or so, and really, don't like it? your free to move abroad.

We all know that England's government is corrupt and bad and naughty and are infringing on human rights and should have there bottoms smacked and blah blah blah but that's real life for you, we don't live in some idealistic world. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with it, and I protest against it as much as anyone, but I find it insulting that they think we need to be told it in such a stupid unconvincing way.

Anyway, rant over.

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^^^ I think they put these videos out to get the word out, because there are alot of people that don't think like you or I, but that are oblivious to the world that we live in.

Also I believe what the video is trying to tell is don't let the government control you or become a "big brother" as they already are. You can still do something about it because the government hasn't taken away all of your freedoms as of yett, they have only taken 6/10 of your rights.....


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