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Sorry to say but i don't like that. Looks way to plain and boring. In my opinion thats not how a Zoo! should look.


You not reckon all the zoo's with green parts are the plain ones and this ones the one that stands out?... I do!

Looks ace mate, i'm down with the whole lack of colour theme myself (besides a blue rear hub and skewers :$ ), they definately do look better. Nice parts too, hope your ankle heals up quick so you can go and play on it.

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had the Heatsink bashguard last year (Y)

The ankle is a 3 ruptured (snapped) ligaments = floppy ankle no movement :lol: but that was 4 weeks ago now and im way on my way to recovery :)

I dislocated it, reptured the ligaments then stood on it and it went back in.

Then the following day Si (Physio) had to dislocate it and get the ligament out of the joint to straiten my ankle up...

wasnt nice lol...


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it looks alright i guess, a bit boring for my liking though, isnt that the point of a zoo? you cover it in pretty colours and then evryone knows, oh thats a zoo, its a zoo's identity. loads of green!


Its better to be different than follow the crowd...

SSSSHHHHHHHHH*********************T that ankle really is shagged...

Bike looks nice but you must be out for a while with that ankle mate (N)


yer, no riding for 8 weeks by the time i get back on a bike and even then it will just be light riding..

nice bike

better ankle

Thanks (Y)

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Its better to be different than follow the crowd...

true, i went and jammed fluro green rims on mine to be different, and everyone was like noooo that'll look wank (way back in september/november time) it looked alright, then ;loadsa people did the same! i was all :o for a while, but hey, watcha gonna do.

nice one braking away though, hows that ankle doing?

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had the Heatsink bashguard last year (Y)

The ankle is a 3 ruptured (snapped) ligaments = floppy ankle no movement :lol: but that was 4 weeks ago now and im way on my way to recovery :)

I dislocated it, reptured the ligaments then stood on it and it went back in.

Then the following day Si (Physio) had to dislocate it and get the ligament out of the joint to straiten my ankle up...

wasnt nice lol...


urgh the pulling the ligament out of the joint thing sounded minging. least you listened to me and spoke to him or youd have to have it retorn too.

dont let si catch that pic of you lol

hope things get better soon.

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a zoo! shouldnt look like that... should have lots of animals and stuff in, parrots n stuff.

But if your talking about the bike make zoo!, they still shouldnt look like that, they should be in a crushing machine and crushed hehe! i hate zoo!'s sorry!! other than that, looks nice!

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i like it! alot!

has it got horizontal dropouts too ;) ...


it does indeed :P

urgh the pulling the ligament out of the joint thing sounded minging. least you listened to me and spoke to him or youd have to have it retorn too.

dont let si catch that pic of you lol

hope things get better soon.

bah, be reet, but ive lost the little plastic hingy off of the air cast :( im gonna be in trouble!

a zoo! shouldnt look like that... should have lots of animals and stuff in, parrots n stuff.

But if your talking about the bike make zoo!, they still shouldnt look like that, they should be in a crushing machine and crushed hehe! i hate zoo!'s sorry!! other than that, looks nice!

hahaha, made me lol (Y)

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looks crap worst zoo ive seen get sum colour on it luks gash all silver alteast put sum black onit

meh, there is black? rims,stem, front hub,pedals,brake levers,stickers....

greens gay anyway,everyone has it.

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