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Inspired 24 v. BMX


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For my next streety bike, I've been torn between building up a 24" BMX and the inspired arcade.  

The geometry numbers of streety BMX cruisers and the Arcade are a bit hard to compare since the same figures aren't posted for each, but here is what I am wondering: what is it exactly in a street-trials bike like the Arcade that makes it trialsy?  

Comparing it to a modern streety BMX 24 cruiser, for example, the HTA, chainstays, and BB rise are all pretty comparable. Same with wheelbase.  I suspect that that if the Arcade used a lower axle-to-crown fork and BMX style bars to get the grips in the same position, the similarities would be even more striking. 

So is the difference in TT length, or just where exactly is the trialsy part of the street-trials magic happening compared to a 24 BMX? I'd love to take an Arcade for a test spin to see how it compares experientially, but that that's probably not going to happen here in San Diego, so I'm trying to get my head around the numbers and go from there.


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heres my 2 cents for whatever there worth :D 


go with a 24" street trials bike , its the best of both worlds you can ride it like a bmx with a not so light gearing set up and run it brakeless , or just build it up and run it at 16 - 22 with brakes and get the best of both and really mix it up . i can say from expirence a 24 street trial bike 360s like a bmx and will rip around parks and street plazas just a good if not better , It offers up more to do different ways to do it and best of all its a lot more FUN then a bmx in my mind now . 


i have my 24" marino trial bike and an ns capital 24" set up for brakeless play. The ns is a little easier to throw around and i dont have to worry about rotors getting mashed when i mess up and its a bit lighter too , now switching between both is not difficult for me as there both set up with similar bar to bb heights and so on so they feel somewhat the same . my only reason for haveing the ns is i ride with mainly all bmx guys so its nice to reconnect to my bmx roots and ride with them . im not saying the trial bike cant do what the ns can but the heavyier gearing and no brakes make for a nice bike that theres really not much to break/damage on . 


but anyway i can say the inspired console and arcade are both seriously playful and friendly bikes so go for one of those or something like those and you will be laughing at the amount of fun you will have on them . 

not really sure any of this will help but i have experience on arcades/consoles/ns capitals and the marino i currently have all in my mind are great if your comeing from a trials , bmx or mtb backround . 


just incase you want geometry numbers heres mine for the marino 


bit different to the arcade but not that far off as to me they both feel good 


its not an easy decision so i hope you end up happy out with your choice :D


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6 hours ago, Dman said:

Gtfoh with that name

Sorry.  D_man has been my name on MTBR for 12 years, but didn't realize it had been taken here. Fixed it.

thanks also to everyone else for the thoughtful replies. People are much more helpful here than the main US-based trials forum, where the main sport seems to be taking the piss out of anyone who asks an honest question, all the while wondering why trials remains a niche sport.

Edited by Dustin
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37 minutes ago, Dman said:

I was joking @Dustin i got asked to change my name twice on observed trial forum, got banned twice because of it, i thought you was same guy.

Absolutely hilarious, "there can be only ONE" redneck mentality... Sorry that happened to you.

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44 minutes ago, Dman said:

I was joking @Dustin i got asked to change my name twice on observed trial forum, got banned twice because of it, i thought you was same guy.

No worries. It can cause unnecessary confusion.  My screen name is Dustin on two other cycling forums, and on both of those a guy came along and chose the name -Dustin.  Got kind of annoying as I was constantly getting PMs sent to me intended for him, which I think he eventually figured out and changed his name to dashDustin instead. 

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6 hours ago, Ali C said:

It's only recently that I've seen BMX frames with chainstays as short as an Arcade, they're usually quite a bit longer. The extra reach of an Arcade really helps with the trials stuff too.

Yeah, good point. People seem to finally be figuring how how to make a 24 BMX that doesn't ride like a cruiser.  The new cruiser coming from Tribute looks pretty interesting in this regard with its 14" chainstays.

Screen Shot 2016-03-08 at 8.06.53 AM.jpg

Edited by Dustin
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Hi currently i have a sunday model c 24" bmx and an arcade. The model c i more slack in the headtube, which gives it a "slow" feeling compared to the arcade...The weight is another difference(arcade is lighter), but not overly important.. The only think i would like was two gears on my arcade one for trials(22/16) and one for park/DJ/bmx trakcs(22/12 or higher)... other than that i ride the arcade everywhere and its my favorite bike in my "fleet"... (i have a background of 20+ years on bmx...)

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