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My Bikes Been Stolen


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yep my 2007 zoo pitbulls been stolen from the front of my house.

anyone who knows me or what it looks like could they please do there best to get it back if they see it.

Anyone else its a 07 modstock pitbull

its really easily picked out due to the red front tyre.

07 pitbull forks

maggie louise

zoo cnc'd stem

zoo bars old shape

monty cranks

tensile freewheel

viz front rim on a RED hope xc

rear black echo 07 on an adamant hub

rear echo tyre

and a front red michelin tyre



:( :( :(

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Hey ryan sorry to hear about your bike being stolen you got eney idear who did it

Dont worry it will turn up keep checking the skate park at the swimming pool and the seafront

And sheringham ant the biggest place or town in the world so i bet in about two or three days you will spot the person on your bike

Good luck mate ill keep my eyes open when im up norwich shopping aswell


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ah that sucks mate

anyways will keep my eye out round ipswich and our area

chavs arnt the cleverest of people so it will probably be on ebay somtime soon :P

theyll probably try to post at local post office so ask them to keep an eye out, i no somone who got there bike back by doing that

sorry to hear this :(

Edited by georgieporgie
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  • 4 months later...
When you see him say "hey nice bike... what back wheel is that?" then when he looks down give him a swift head but kick him then trials hop on his ugly face!


Oh P.S Good Luck getting it back. :)

Haha mate that is a great way to get it back that really cracked me up :lol:.

anyway mate good luck in trying to get it back, I will keep eye out on ebay since i am on there quite alot.

Craig :)(Y):)

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$10 says that the person who stole it realized 2mins into the ride that there wasn't a seat "f*ck dude, I just sat down and there is a pole in my ass now"

I hope you get it back man, I always lock up my bikes I'm on like the 2nd floor of an apartment. One around the frame, one around the tires, and one through frames again and attached to the balcony. I figure it'd gunna be harder to lift two bikes off the balcony at the same time than just one. But yeah man, look around, get your friends on the prowl. When you find it, no diplomacy. Tire iron the b*****d that has it and ask them "did you steal this, or buy this from someone" if they stole it, thats at least 3 more smack with the iron right there. If they bought it, just as many smacks until they give you a name. Curb stomp that f**ker American History X style man... minus the racism and ridiculous tatoos...

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$10 says that the person who stole it realized 2mins into the ride that there wasn't a seat "f*ck dude, I just sat down and there is a pole in my ass now"

I hope you get it back man, I always lock up my bikes I'm on like the 2nd floor of an apartment. One around the frame, one around the tires, and one through frames again and attached to the balcony. I figure it'd gunna be harder to lift two bikes off the balcony at the same time than just one. But yeah man, look around, get your friends on the prowl. When you find it, no diplomacy. Tire iron the b*****d that has it and ask them "did you steal this, or buy this from someone" if they stole it, thats at least 3 more smack with the iron right there. If they bought it, just as many smacks until they give you a name. Curb stomp that f**ker American History X style man... minus the racism and ridiculous tatoos...


Just to quote Paddy Mcguissnes(sp) "Your one angry b*****d"

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Yeah a little. But my bike means the world to me. It's how I get around, it's a source of entertainment, it's also a source of exercise for me. I paid a hefty $1500 for my bike last year and I swear if I saw someone riding around on my bike...

I think we're all like that. Lately I've been thinking that maybe in certain situations where people are walking over me (this is like the epitome of walking on someone) that maybe I'd be a little scared of the situation. But like I said, I've been thinking and what gives them the right to take someone that I saved up for months to buy? What gives them the right to take something I worked so hard for that they won't even appreciate or will end up trading for something they'll finish smoking by the end of the night? Things like that just get me angry. Keeping that in mind, I'm pretty willing to go the extra mile to let people know that I won't stand for that sort of thing. I feel it almost neccisary now that I live in a large city. I lived in a small town all my life where the blatant rudeness and lack of compassion in everyone, like you see in a larger city, is almost non existant. People don't even say thank you if you hold a door open for them here. Fat bitches last night, I open the door for them and they just walk in without saying a word. I should've banned them from my store for being fat, ugly and self important. I hate fat bitches who act like they're the cats meow. Actually... I hate anyone who walks around thinking they're King Shit of Turd Island. /endrant

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Not quite sure what that means... I'm usually a really passive guy. It takes a lot for me to even flip you off or yell something at someone on the street. I honestly don't like confrontation and will avoid it at every possibility. But I mean come on, what gives them the right to take something thats mine or yours or anyone's but their own?

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