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Everything posted by Gurra

  1. The riding was great, if not the best ive seen for a LOOONG time. I can't understand how he pulls have those moves. SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Very nice but not as good as the Nopogo Koxxdays vid imo. Still well worth the download :unsure: Now we want the rest, im sure you must have more footage left to edit into a new cool vid
  3. Anyone know the song from the long bike05 vid? the song starts at 23:10 in the vid cheers
  4. I've got most of johans vids on my pc so if anybody wants them add me on msn!
  5. Gurra

    Koxx Days Dvd.

    AndyT´s vid is already up but only for subscribers atm. so in a month or 2 it should be downloadable for us non subscribers
  6. Hahaha, nice not going mainstream :- haven't seen those for a very long time looks mint though (Y)
  7. That's Björn Levin, Swedish rider. quite good i'd say :sleeping: better then me anyway. Björns homepage
  8. Gurra

    Koxx Days/week

    Björn did'nt try to edit this really, he just took the clips and put them together. still a nice vid with kewl riding. but im sure andrew t's vid will be stunning :lol:
  9. Gurra

    Koxx Days/week

    I'd say That IS LE Huge (Y) . damn i wish i went. looks bloody great, much people, nice riding and sun :lol:
  10. or a Magura "blue" same lever style as hs11 but in alu. and blue ofcourse
  11. Not me riding there if someone had that in mind :lol: i must say the sections looked so different from todays sections. must was the best ive heard in a trials vid for a long time :ermm:
  12. Burburry is still a "brat" brand here in sweden but its starting to get more chav since there's like 100000 copys floating around
  13. Gurra

    Ben Savage

    :ermm: i cant download the vids (Y) they stop at about 10% :-
  14. dident read the trhead yes :wink2: so what if i made a useless post. atleast i did'nt post "hahah"
  15. How 'bout some burberry custom paint? that would be really swet imo :) Seriously though, the red like kevin brains is soo lush :P
  16. Gurra

    My New Vids

    nice riding. stylish and big stuff :- better then i expected
  17. moves are good, but as you said. the crackle sound is annoying. oh well, fixed me ilions now :P so ill start riding abit again :- area 51 here i come, in a month or so :P
  18. yes they are. dunno where to get them. i get mine trough Kolpen. about 9£ per pair. they're the best grips imo :P
  19. Ashton @ sub 900mm WB, 28" wheels and so on. :">
  20. I do this atleast 5 times a day, ive got a really nice gap between the bench infront of me and my desk :P Booring classes = dreaming of trials and finding lines in the classroom :P
  21. Dosent Kotvos use the Plazmatatic (Y) disc now? ti rotor... have to say that it has some recemblance *edit plazmatatic pads, not disc. yep, someone admitted it beening photoshoped
  22. They'r awsome, untill the big UCI boom came. still one of the best feeling bikes imo. light and flickable. overpriced as hell though, none have been sold at they'r correct retail price :mellow:
  23. bit OT but i fecking hate when lbs'es gives what and what not to do for trials bikes. sure some might have a tiny bit of knowledge but most dont. nothing beats i nice fresh grind. NOTHING imo :(
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