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El Cristoff

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Everything posted by El Cristoff

  1. Nice vid, what was the song, it was good Also, what editing program do you use?
  2. Completely wrong, Vees have better modulation, FACT! As for force, i bet my vee holds better than your maggie.
  3. Yeah, tis a 203mm It works really well, was a bit disapointed when i first put it on because it wasnt really holding, But my retarded self then remembered you have to bed them in Now it works silly well *awaits it to rip my dropouts in half
  4. Between the two i would go vee. My vee was amazing, bit great both forwards and backwards, NEVER! slipped on a wall, the hold it had was insane. This was until Kennard snapped on of the spring adjusters, and then it all went to pot Don't be put off by people telling you there shit, cause they really arn't
  5. Hey guys, Just a few pics of my new bike, gone DD since i snapped a bit off my vee, and it was shite Hope you like Rear disk works a treat, haven't taken it out properly cause of this shite weather, but hopefully it will be amazing
  6. You forgot the all important bit Watch this Another Perspective It may be a BMX video, but it kinda relates to all disciplines of riding. As someone said, it is what you make of it, weather you ride natural or street, TGS or flowing lines. Its all personal preference. For me, Trials is a fun sport because you can be creative with lines, and the rush you get form getting a line you have always wanted to do is amazing. All the friends and people i have met through riding is amazing to. Its also a social sport, because its quite small, you tend to get to know everyone really quickly. Everyones so friendly as well, you hardly ever get 'gobshites' when riding in a big group. Well anyways, thats my two pence
  7. Maybe you should check out this place, the spelling in there is awful.
  8. I'll probably be attending, although tis my 18th on the saurday, so god knows what sort of state i'll be in
  9. Thats exactly what i thought
  10. lawlz Nice cuntroll, looks plain and simple
  11. My friend can open a bottle with a peice of paper
  12. Bahhhhh! I think it looks gorgeous, really nice
  13. Dave, is it the long or the short? Cause real men ride short
  14. Dengura levers are shite thats why, i had on running maggie slaves and it leaked like a sieve. Seriously, maggie levers work so much better.
  15. Yeah Dave, that looks sick Ride soon bud
  16. Stay well away form the Tank chains, there shite. I had 2 because i thought they where amazing, until they stiff link after a 20min ride. They are truely crap, weight the same as a baby elephant. KMC Kool all the way!!!
  17. That looks ace, where are they sold?
  18. Hi peeps, I'm looking for a new hub, dont have a lot to spend, and i came across the Deng freehubs. I have always heard that these are shite and i should stay away, but what makes them so shite? Can anyone that has used/ uses one give me pro's or con's of the hub? All input would be greatly appreciated, Chris
  19. Yay i won something Do i actually get free pads then?
  20. I'm up for London or Bristol, perferably London though
  21. ... I should have waited Looks lush, hoping the inspired will magically crack or something so i can get a 24UK
  22. most probably mate, ill see what happens
  23. Quoted for truth, my A3 rode like sex. But make sure you get the short, the longs ride horridly
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