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Everything posted by Watson©

  1. Watson©


    Our Summer... Trial Noir... Trials Is Dead... GET1... Leaps & Bounds and Manifesto are all Great DVD's!
  2. Dave about what you said... Comp Scene sucks. I have to disagree, as all the Comps I've been to the atmosphere has been good, well all the NBTC ones anyways... we dont take them to serious up here in Scotland, we just have general banter and ride the best we can and if we screw up we just laugh about it... and then ride on! I'm always up for a laugh at comps, ask Ben Travis... he thinks I just come for the banter and not the riding lol But I can see where your coming from, people do take it waaaaay to serious... whats the point eh?... Have fun, enjoy yourself
  3. The Postal Serives - Such Great Heights
  4. Big Bad Idea... I say... Hell no!!! Will just make the place look untidy and get on your tits after a few days.
  5. There abit out the price range... there around £400-500... darn lol
  6. Cheers for the advice man... that site rather good! The Sony DCR-HC1000 is abit out my price range lol... Been looking at this one now... seems good enough SONY HC37 ... What you think?
  7. Forgot to put how much I was willing to spend... around £250-300
  8. Haha... thats the same as me... it's like finding Gold
  9. Hey... I'm going to be buying a Camcorder but I dont really know whats good for the money and if it will work with no problems on my PC for video editing etc. Is it better to have a DVD version rather than a MiniDV and whats the best MegaPixel to have for decent quality to produce a watchable video lol... What do you all use?? ( links to the cameras would be nice ) This is the camera I had in mind... any good? Here... All help and advice would be much appreciated
  10. Cheers for the bump haha And thanks man... I love it too
  11. Awesome with a capital 'A'... spot on mate! I love all the videos you make! How long you had the Levelboss for... about 3 years??
  12. Natural... My reason... well... It's because it's alot more challenging, looooads of more lines, progresses your balance... makes you a better rider! I like Street too but since there is like no Natural were I live I perfer and enjoy it more... and I think it makes me a better rider when I got back to Street, everything becomes more smooth and flowy
  13. Sweet vid Chaz... I was up there yestarday riding the rocks... was awesome!!! Where is the premiere of 'Extended Family' getting shown?... at the Filmhouse?
  14. Fantastic Pictures you have produced there Mike!... Proper LOVE them! Joe B is a wee sexy boy... I'm going to steal him
  15. As Adam would say... 'Beast!' There sweet pics... some crazy stuff! The first two pics of Ali look totally summery! Awesome!
  16. Yeah... Pro-Tec Helmets are mint! I had the one with the White lid and Red straps for about 2-3 years... loved it!!! Although the only crap thing about them was that when its summer and roasting outside your head melts so badly, since there is only like 2 vents or something haha! So now I've purchased myself a Giro to keep my head cool... don't look as smart but aw well, can't win all the time! New ones look rather smart! Should bring red straps back on the white one though
  17. Awesome video!!! Totally got me in the mood to go out and ride, but I can't as I have no bars Riding was mega from everyone... tune was top, I liked the wee cheeky bit added from the actually video hehe
  18. Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah... towlers busting his moves... bad boooy! And flexing them 'guns' Awesome vid man... your best so far! Top Notch!!! Whats happeing with the Glasgow footage? You making a video out of it??
  19. Watson©

    David20 Vid 6

    Good video young sir! Thoese sidehops to rear wheel are mint... Keep it up
  20. Seeeeexy, everything about it so... seeeeeeexy!
  21. The only red tyres I know are Michelin Hot S's... but there 26" im afraid.
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