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Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by harmertrials

  1. Cheers for the comments guys. Have the day free tomorrow and noone is riding, so it's extremely tempting to strip. After a good scrub and final set up just now, I'm so happy with how it looks so I may leave it as is. Just ordered some fluro tape for the rear wheel. Weighs just under 8.3kg, light considering it wasn't meant to be a light build.
  2. I'm so so so sooo happy with how this has turned out. Really cheap build too. Sticking with this for the winter at least. Not great pics I'm afraid, will be stripping absolutely everything aside from the brakes soon.
  3. I get what you're saying but I've already made my mind up on this one. I'm considering reapplying for a new course in Brighton as of september 2014 as the course I'm doing is not what I'd hoped for at all. Cheers, I'm going to contact them tomorrow. Yeah I'm sure I can't get out of the contract without finding someone to replace me. Done. Cheers. Know of any other similar sites? Genuinely didn't know this was an option, have just emailed the uni asking for advice. You're right though, there are several reasons and one is that I cannot get into this course, and I know I wont graduate doing something I dislike. Thanks though, great advice from everyone so far.
  4. radix is built, except for 1 grip.

    1. SCOTTY___


      Ride soon! Radix Twins! P.S The name Raquel is taken :p

    2. harmertrials


      mine is a lot more ratty and abused than yours haha

  5. Perfect thanks buddy. I'm in a private house, although it's a student rental it's not actually linked with the uni. I'll ring the letting agents tomorrow (have already dropped them a brief email) and find out the score. Many reasons. I need to be at home at the moment.
  6. Thanks luke that's actually really helpful. Got so much going on that I hadn't even thought about contacting student finance. Will get a list together of stuff to get on with this week. Really worried about the house situ. If I can't find someone to take the room and I'm not recieving any loan I don't know how on earth I'll be able to pay the rent. Having my dad as a gauranteur is a massive worry, he's not got the money to be paying my rent for me and even if he did it wouldn't be right. Hmmmmmmmm
  7. Ah wow that's extreme. Well I did a foundation year last year at the uni so hopefully they won't chase me as much as that.
  8. Basically I'm in my first year of uni and am trying to work out the best way to go about dropping out. Just wondering if anyone else has ever been in a similar position and can offer some advice. I live in a house and have signed a contract that runs up until the end of june. Is there any way out of this contract or is my only option to continue paying for my room.. or find someone to take it (mates wouldn't be best pleased with this)? Also, I assume that as soon as you drop out you no longer receive anymore of your loan for the year?
  9. Try all is a great tyre in terms of weight and puncture resistance, as well as still offering great grip and looking smart. Wears really quick though. Kaiser is a relatively heavy tyre when new, amazing grip and great bounce, especially with side nobbles removed. Not a bad wear rate either. Rubber queen was too bouncy for my liking, felt really unstable, still has great grip and is an impressive weight.
  10. I've only had the chance to ride it the once. Having to leave it at a mates house for a few weeks whilst I go back up north. The geo is a bit extreme for myself.. and the frame is in no fit state so I'm after an inspired or similar. I can see how it suited euan but it's very much bmx orientated. The biggest struggle is trying to learn how to move an 11.5kg bike but I'm sure I'll get the hang of things. 8th bike in 4 weeks is a tad extreme.
  11. It's going black. Already sorted black middleburns. Canne wait.
  12. Picked up a new ride off euan beaden the other day, really fun and playful. Will be getting an inspired frame at some point though. Knocked up a quick photoshop, any thoughts? Looking to make the chain tensioner a bit neater, as well as possibly a set of black burns.
  13. Cheers man. Again, it's not really. Although when I met her last night after she'd been out she was pretty much paraletic. Like beyond safe. I can hardly talk because I go out way too much myself and get in a right state. Doesn't stop me worrying about her though.
  14. Haha. I guess it's a great thing... But I feel sick when I'm not with her. I usually am a complete twat with girls and tend to mess them about so it's strange to actually care for a change.
  15. Starts seeing girl. Falls in love with girl. Is in relationship with girl. Girl goes out constantly. Harmer feels miserable when girl is out. Feels.
  16. They let you take bikes into ikea now?!
  17. Just spotted this, well worth a share
  18. That was effortless. Great tune, great style, massive riding, nicely put together. The side to rear at 1:20 ish made me shout "what" out loud.
  19. Tidy Mine will be built by the end of the week. 24crew represent.
  20. Strong contender for my new favourite rider. Watching them necking neat vod made me gag though.
  21. Far too much is going on at the moment, which is leading to me flopping at uni.
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