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Everything posted by Corish

  1. Thats one of the many reasons I love about them (Y) corish
  2. Yeeerp I know what you mean but you have to build it ! (Y) By the way havent the Admins said anything about your signature? its rather... large? EDIT: Mind you, looking at mine its around the same (Y)
  3. Woa! If everyone comes who has said they will there is going to be about 25! WOOO! Corish
  4. I personally think monty foam grips are the best, My hands have never ever slipped off the bars and I don't wear gloves, alright alright they're not the best but I think theyre very very good.... corish
  5. No. EDIT: Sorry I didn't read properly...
  6. Corish

    Text Talk?

    I have to say that I'm sorry for acting like that, must have been pissed off last night about several things. Python rider, I never meant "Are you going to say somethig about my mum?" I was just trying to point out that even my mum does it and at her age would you still complain? You probably would... But not everyone wants to type in English on msn, or texts. Maybe they have difficulty spelling? Who knows? Tomm, "or8" is my way of saying alright, ok "or8" isnt how I say it, I say "orate" its just my accent. Simon, I see where your coming from, as I've already said, I'm sorry I ranted like I did but to be fair, whats a bit of text talk going to do? But on the other hand it can build up and build up until you really get annoyed of it, so in a way I don't blame you for being annoyed about it.
  7. Corish

    Text Talk?

    I know what you mean, I don't mean it about everything you know, things that won't harm anyone else is doing nothing wrong though is it? Whats a bit of txt talk going to do to someone? Is it going to stop you from sleaping at night? Give you backache? Nah its not. My point is why ramble on about text talk? Its just there way of expressing how they say things. I would moan about it if it was on here, thats because this place has rules, MSN doesn't.
  8. Corish

    Text Talk?

    Oh my god! How is it babyish? People might want to use it to talk to people, its their life let them live it how the fukking like! For god sake! Everyone has a right on how to type, let them do what they want!!! My mum does text talk on msn and she is 36, are you still going to complain? What about your friends? Your parents/cousins/brothers/sisters etc, are they perfect too? Some might be but some arent! How about I say trials is a teenage/kids thing, so anyone 20+ is childish. Meh! Let people do what they want. EDIT: I understand masses of text talk is annoying/bad but they odd bits like "ows u" and "or8" and "c you" etc what the hells wrong with it?
  10. He is incredibly smooth, with top moves! Although it was just riding and no music I still found it good to watch! corish
  11. No ones shit mate, its practice. EDIT: Its also the mind, some people have a much faster mind, some people have a slow mind, its not your fault if you have a slower mind. What I mean about this is most of the time its mind work, not muscles, muscles obviously have a part in it but not as much as your mind.
  12. hahaha Happy Birthday though!!! :)
  13. Yes but them being allowed to have earing and the boys not, thats sexist, its not asif the girls "NEED" the earings is it? its normal for girls to have long hair, just 'cos its not as normal for boys don't mean they can't have it, in my opinion, its all sexist...!
  14. I actually see where the kids coming from, its not fair, wether they're girls or not they should all get treated the same (within reason)
  15. By any chance was that a poor quality Red Bull video with someone on a brisa (I think its a brisa)
  16. Banana Bars The forks werent exactly good condition anyway.
  17. Its upto you what you want to put in if you feel its to do with trials, put it in. corish
  18. Haha try craig lee scott.
  19. That car IS photoshopped. Look at the lighting inside those "arches" even the "arches" dont look real..
  20. Hello all :D Just thought I'd put a post up on how much people have put their money into trials wether they payed for it or not. I just think it will be interesting to see what people have bought and how much they've payed for their trials life. You don;t have to include everything down to dust caps/innertubes/bolts/brake bleeds if you dont want to Heres my whole trials reciept going in order from first bought part/bike (to what I remember). Onza T-Pro 2000: £40 Monty 221 X-Lite 2002: £350 Luna tyres £30 Pig headset: £20 Onza T-Pro 2004: £400 Monty Bar and Stem: £85 Koxx Bloxx: £18 New BB: £18 Muscleman cranks: £45 Foam Grips: £5 Monty Tyres: £40 Plaz Pads: £16 Fall Guys: £80 Monty Cranks: £65 ISIS BB: £35 Monty tyres: £40 Profile rear hub: £135 Front fixed cog: £20 Monty Pedals: £35 Plaz Pads: £16 Viz forks 2nd hand: £5 Monty banana bars 2nd hand: £5 Monty frame 2nd hand: £40 Monty 221Ti X-Lite 2005: £1610 Maxxis Tyres: £40 Ronnie Rim: £30 Plaz Pads: £20 (new ones off my mate... was desperate lol) Hope hub: £40 Koxx Try-All rim: £38 I think thats it.... All that comes to: Hmm, £3321. corish
  21. No I forgot to bring it, yeah I'm going to build it....
  22. Lol, thats good, looks an old clip I had to sign up and give them pratts a few links :D corish
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