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Everything posted by Corish

  1. Corish


    And thats how it should be if it isn't! They should get rid of uploaders not downloaders because while ever theres an upload there will be a downloader, same with drugs, while ever theres a dealer there will be buyers, with out the dealers theres no buyers. so think about it who would you go for if you was the bobbies? corish
  2. Yeah, I know... I wasn't trying hard enough and it was clear that I could make it I just didn't dare to? I was scared of that smaller drop gap at first then I just thought fook it and did it, its easier than I thought, you should try it next time :- corish
  3. Hello all, today was amazing! Some huuuuge taps by the lads on toxsin, t-rex with BT stickers, etc, craig impressed me yet again! And the kid on a woodstok (Ben I think) he did impress me! For his size he is suprisingly good! nice taps ben! :S I wish I had the balls to try that drop gap at police station, the biggest one, damn! i'll do it soon enough :lol:" Just wanna say thanks to everyone for showing up and making it such a good ride!! :lol: corish
  4. I agree with you Tart, I only realised after a fall off how serious a helmet is, if thats what you mean? corish
  5. Corish

    T-bird To T-pro

    HAHA, It does aswell! Class.... corish
  6. So, Whos coming for deffinate? Me, 05 Monty Scotty, 05 Echo (Not with CNC headtube yukky thingy ma jiggy) Carl, 05 T-Pro Lewis, T-lite Tony. T-rex
  7. And for some reason I did too (Y) corish
  8. Corish

    T-bird To T-pro

    If your going to run a magura I don't think it will work 'cos the mounts are positions to run a 19" rim. I wouldn't know though never put a 20" in the rear of my old t-pro
  9. Corish

    Cleanbikes Video

    Hey Danny its me Corish, that video was Sick! best one you've done yet!!! Well done! corish
  10. You do't have to wait till a new year for a new bike/frame gto come out lol they can bring them into production when ever they like... but monty, etc prefer to? corish
  11. I think I've got 'em both on my pc at home... corish
  12. I believe it is 1,000,000,000,000 I'm not 100% on it though??? read up the post and I'm wrong, I wasn't too sure anyway.
  13. Thats what I said, all of them arguin about are my friends too (Y) lol corish
  14. I useto own the same style T-Pro.
  15. Reading is meant to be a brilliant place to ride, London is very good too.... corish
  16. Corish


    wankers crap (Y) Nah, Like people have said rest for about a week, if that don't work, I'd go see a doctor. corish
  17. Your slow, read the topic and you'll see. I think Carl put it in the first thing he wrote!? corish
  18. Nope, Thats what I thought until I read what he said.
  19. A post code is the most important thing in an address if your posting, second important thing is the number of your house/company. The others aren't that important.
  20. You can post by just putting the number of the house (E.G 18) and the postcode. sure of it? corish EDIT: Thinkin about it though, I doubt it.
  21. Hmm, I think you think like me with these grips, I love 'em. I've never had a different pair, oh wait when I first bought my t-pro it had rubber grips on, hated em.
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