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Mr Rankin

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Everything posted by Mr Rankin

  1. your a gapping machine! Great vid and edit Joel, its been too long! Remember some of those clips from that ride a few months back....keep them coming! I might meet you and ad on saturday........keep me posted if its happening
  2. No question the best stock riding in the country.......... Also the worst haircut in the country Quality riding from a pisser
  3. Barrow farm will knock the socks off of everything by the summer!
  4. Gilles coustellier= stock Marco Hoesel = Mod
  5. Your a legend rogers.....like the vid but like it more if you came back down here! Hows the yaabaa going, looking sound on it dude xxx
  6. couldnt pay me to ride any of those monsters
  7. Cheers for the comments guys It does feel longer than the yaabaa obviously but feels right. Pads are the proper coust pads not the heatsink compound. Got them from papa coustellier in spain a few weeks ago, they are sick! Yes its a tarty forged stem, very light indeed. Got a reset Ti bb on the way too Price.......just go on the website and get the calcultor out mate Out on the bike in chelmsford later if anyone wants to join us????? xxx
  8. Moving up to stock for the season has certainly been a challenge, but has refreshed my passion for learning new techniques and finding a different way to ride. As some of you know i picked the yaabaa as my 1st stock which i rode for approx 10 weeks, i really liked riding it but seemed to struggle with the weight during long comp sections. On that note i went for something lighter and all together more refined.......then pimped it.......although there is always more pimping and weight saving to be done. Only ridden it the once as i was away all weekend but got on very well with it straight away and i think you will agree it looks the business! Massive thank you to the Tarty lads for sorting me out with my best rig yet! comments welcome
  9. Does sound appealling joel but gotta get some natural riding in on saturday down on some mutha humper rocks! Got a big comp in a week and have ridden my new bike once!
  10. ok so its looking like london is a no go for thursday and might be better on saturday. so if some of you guys are riding chelmsford thursday i might come out and see you ladies instead xxxx
  11. Ah man that sucks joel.....pretend your sick or have a "music differences" talk with the other band members! Yea another new one.....putting pics up later today.....its the last one for a while i promise! Birdman etc i am riding chelmsford tongiht if you fancey it? See you all thursday ladies xxxxx
  12. Koox carbon pimpness! you wont believe how light they really are!!!!!!!!!!!! Sent that crown race off today steveo hope its not too late for the weekend xxxx
  13. good idea in theory.........personally i have many techinques i have not perfected so would rather get EVERYTHING dialled which is almost impossible. Also....keep changing things about your riding, bike or clothing is no good. You need total familiarity so the bike is like an extension of the body. I have felt the affect of changing bikes a lot recently and find things that were once easy become very tricky indeed
  14. Sam that was insane mate.....king of frenchies!
  15. Ad your blaters going to roll up on a 24" you traitor! Joel man, good pics will have to ride again soon!
  16. ridiculous the next level of trials rider....what a purest!
  17. James Porter has the lot! Massive taps, far gaps, orange bollocks, huge sidehop......the lot!
  18. Sorry dont like that....... Doesnt matter to Ben, whatever he rides he will rinse on!
  19. Got back late last night from the 1st round of the world cup, a weekend to forget for me lol Let the nerves get to me in the qualification which showed in my result! Thought the other Brits did a great job.....slinger, butler and oakley making it through to the semi' to join savage and Burton. Well done lads especially Ben Stiller making the final! I got food poisoning on the saturday and didnt even see the final because i was being sick next to the van lol Roll on Germany, the only way is up! xxx
  20. This is the gayest most repetitive bollox i have ever heard......... Go and get the bike out!
  21. Mr Rankin

    Elite Kd 09

    Amazing! Thanks for posting!
  22. Most amazing video i have ever watched...........Gilles truley is legues ahead of the pack. He must "want it" soooooo much to train that hard and to be that dedicated.......he is a total inspiration! Cant wait to see him wipe wipe the floor with the best of the rest this weekend Going to watch that another 15 times today
  23. Really good day, great to see some new faces and see terry and micheal again. Are the results up anywhere? Cheers
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