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Everything posted by selby1

  1. f**k me adam, i new you were good but not that good well done, youd be sponsored if your name was willocks an youv'e gotten a lot smoother aswell cheers mark...
  2. wtf i dont get how to download it wanted me to sign up or summitt lol, whats wrong with youtube? cheers mark...
  3. both look very nice, prefere the ashton though any day of the week cheers mark...
  4. ovious he did not have the money to buy brand new so did second hand nobber!
  5. fookin awesome film, best i'v seen in a long time cheers mark...
  6. selby1


    take a trip i did cheers mark...
  7. selby1

    New Videhoe

    sweet vid adam! skeg soon? if i cba to!
  8. BEAST!!! lol sweet pics adam! louth anytime soon? again lol cheers mark...
  9. i have but your still a knob!
  10. unlucky, vid was over the top though, no point in the editin at all
  11. my EMO freewheel , tried cutting me today though !
  12. very kool video there really enjoyed it cheers mark...
  13. Hmm broke foot bout month ago, hurt me back muscles, twisted ankles, face planting floors, shinin me sen, whackin nuts on frame, twating knee on stem, snapping chain = going over bars, and then just the usual shite that comes with riding trials. cheers mark...
  14. omfg i was so close to falling off the chair when i scrolled down the screen. haha that is huge!
  15. such a powerful chap! Really enjoyed that video cheers mark...
  16. well from what i saw on the video i would say he suits the stock better, anyway good riding shite music for a trial vid! cheers mark...
  17. kool pics drew lol! i telt ye to get more before you posted them up tutut, anyways you could of told me i was that green i would of showered cheers mark...
  18. hello, some great photos there and thats meeee ^^^^^^^^^^^ cheers mark...
  19. yer i noticed you lazy shite anyways was a good day apart from the weather at the start but then by about 2 oclock the sun came out and was really good! cheers mark...
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