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Grant H

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Everything posted by Grant H

  1. and your post wasn't pointless? i think he was kind of introducing himself too. so, welcome to the forum
  2. i think thats insulting his intelligence.
  3. i know its sounds stupid but how many grinds has that rim had? my bmf went all shitty after the last time i ground it..
  4. may have contaminated your pads? pads may be set up shit? you got air in the system?
  5. didnt mean to make you feel that way. just trying to say i think the same and thats what i see is making the big difference.
  6. he hasnt? smooth rims are just gay, saying grinding them is a waste of money? well a rim can have like 20 grind and be rideable. if you grind once a month thats 20 months, a long time for a rim in my eyes
  7. smooth rim = soft pads = shit lever feel ground rim = harder pads = better feel.
  8. i just saw a picture of it and saw you had braided hose... i had a problem where i had a slow leak, but tightened all the fixings up and its fine now, maybe try this?
  9. got a leak? lol just pull your lever really hard and see if water/oil comes out anywhere i had this problem because my mate didnt tighten up all the fittings...
  10. your paying lots of money for pads and using tar?!?! koolstops with tar ***
  11. doesnt mean all halfords are shit. well in worcester matt burrows works there... he deffinitly knows about trials. we will end this with a justified 'your wrong'
  12. its the old ones... new ones are fine.
  13. he said the front wheel had to be above the wall...
  14. oh my god HE WANTS SILENT BRAKES he wouldnt ask if he wanted loud brakes as his are already loud.
  15. so what happens when you sidehop more than about 30 inches.
  16. hes just retarded, leave him alone.
  17. because you havnt riden hard enough? he was dropping off a bottle bank at the time was smooth too, till BANG!
  18. erm might be an idea to stop saying 'hi im mitch' at the start of every post you make. gets a bit boring and pointless. =)

  19. yes he has, he was dropped as a baby his head wont fit into a helmet anyway
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